Page 72 of The Crowing of Hell

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“Do you think he’s gonna hurt us?” Finn asked.

“No,” Kit responded as he started peering around.

“I’m scared,” Brax said, lifting his tear-stained face.

“Everything is going to be fine,” Kit replied, distracted.

“He stabbed her with a needle,” Brax snapped.

“He sedated her. It was a syringe.” Kit began looking at the basement they’d been locked in.

He’d no idea who the guy was, but he had looked surprised to see them. Kenny hadn’t opened the car door until the man produced a gun and aimed it at them. On seeing that, Kenny had nearly fallen out of the motor in her haste to protect them. Kit had watched as the fella stabbed Kenny in the neck and then made them get into his vehicle. He had tried to get Brax away, but his youngest brother had clung to him.

The stranger had taken their phones and then pushed their car down a hill. He’d then picked Kenny up and carried her to his boot before driving them all away. He’d drove down a lot of the back roads, so Kit had no idea where they were when they pulled up outside a house.

Their kidnapper had been muttering under his breath the entire drive, and Kit’s gut told him to keep his brothers quiet. He didn’t think the man would hurt them, but Kit somehow guessed they weren’t a part of the plan either.

“My name is Eugene,” he’d said to them on arriving at the place. “Come on, boys, follow me. Don’t run away, people get injured doing that.”

The boys understood a threat when one wasuttered. They’d followed Eugene down some stairs, and Kit kept his eye open for an escape. He was surprised when he was led into a furnished room, and the Eugene locked them in.

For an hour, Kit guessed they had been sitting there waiting for Eugene to return, but he hadn’t. Kit finally got to his feet and began searching.

“What are you doing?” Brax asked, wiping tears from his face.

“Looking for a way out,” Kit said. The room was strange. It had a small fridge and microwave in one corner. It had a single bed and, an armchair and a couch. A door that opened to a tiny shower and toilet.

“There’s a fridge,” Finn declared and pulled it open.

“I’m hungry,” Brax complained.

Kit peered inside. There were water bottles and food. He took out the water and ensured the lids hadn’t been opened, and then shook them upside down to check if they leaked.

“What are you doing?” Finn asked.

“Making sure there’re no drugs in them. Look, see, the seal of the bottle hasn’t been opened, and nothing’s been injected inside it, or the water would drip out. These are safe to drink,” Kit said, handing his brothers one each.

“How the hell do you know that?” Finn demanded, looking at Kit like he’d grown another head.

“MeTube,” Kit replied.

Finn stared at him. “You’re scary sometimes, brother.”

“Dude, we gotta get out of here and save Kenny.Then call Dad. Here, these chips are sealed. Give them to Brax,” Kit said, discovering a cupboard of food. Finn watched how Kit kept checking everything to see if it had been tampered with.

Once Brax was eating, Kit got back to searching. There were two windows, but he could see they didn’t open. They could break them, but Eugene would find them before they escaped. No phones or other means to communicate were available. But Kit refused to give up. He opened a cupboard and mumbled bingo as his eyes lit on the contents inside.

“What you got? Nice, now we can make those work!” Finn exclaimed.

“Eugene’s an idiot to leave these here,” Kit stated.

“He’s probably not met anyone like us before,” Brax muttered around a mouthful of chips.

“Empty some of those bottles. We’ll make some cocktails.” Kit grinned.

“Dad said not to play with fire!” Brax tattled.

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