Page 8 of Daddy's Firm Hand

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Little one.

Hearing him call me that set a couple dozen butterflies loose in my tummy. I looked up into his piercing blue eyes, seeing the sincerity shining back at me, along with something else—a protective fierceness that both thrilled and unnerved me.

David reached beside his chair and retrieved a neatly organized binder, placing it gently in my hands. The cover bore my name in an elegant script.

"I’ve taken the liberty of preparing a contract for us.”

“A contract? Is this like a new job I’m taking?”

“No, nothing like that. A contract is a traditional way to protect both parties in a power-exchange relationship. It outlines the parameters of our proposed dynamic, so we both know what our rights and responsibilities are" he explained, tapping the binder. "It’s not legally binding, of course, but it’s a strong foundation for a healthy caregiver/little relationship. It's important that you read it thoroughly. Please, ask any questions that come to mind—we can go through it together."

I ran my fingers over the smooth cover, then carefully opened it, the pages crisp and weighty. As I began to read, I quickly came across unfamiliar terms like "Little Space," "age regression," and "safe words." The legalistic language contrasted jarringly with the intimate nature of the content. I could feel my brow furrowing as I tried to parse the meanings.

Glancing up, I found David watching me closely, his intense gaze missing nothing. "There are . . . aspects I don't fully understand," I admitted haltingly, my cheeks heating.

"This is new territory for you. It's natural to have questions."

I drew in a fortifying breath, trying to organize my racing thoughts. "This part about 'Little Space'..." I tapped the page. "Can you elaborate on what that means, in practical terms?"

David nodded. "Little Space refers to a mindset where you allow yourself to embrace your inner child. It's a time to set asideadult worries and responsibilities, and simply exist in a more carefree, innocent headspace."

I nibbled my bottom lip as I mulled this over. The idea held an undeniable appeal - to just let go and not have to be in control all the time. But it also made me very nervous.

What if I did it all wrong?

"And you would be in charge during those times?" I asked tentatively. "Deciding things for me?"

"Only to the extent that you feel comfortable with," he clarified. "We'll have clear boundaries and the final say always rests with you. Little Space should feel freeing, not restrictive."

I pondered this as I continued scanning the document, trying to envision myself in the scenarios outlined on the crisp pages. The girl described there seemed like a stranger - innocent, vulnerable, wholly trusting. So different from the wary, anxious woman I knew myself to be.

Could I really become her? Did I even want to? The questions swirled thick and fast as I flipped the pages with trembling fingers. With each new clause and stipulation, I felt I was standing on a precipice, the abyss of the unknown yawning before me.

My brow furrowed as I came to a section labeled "Discipline and Correction." The words leapt out at me, stark and uncompromising against the white backdrop. I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly dry as I scanned the extensive list of potential punishments.

"I... I'm not sure about some of these," I admitted, my voice scarcely above a whisper. "Spanking, corner time, writing lines . . . It all seems so . . ."

"Intense?" David supplied gently. I nodded, feeling a flush creep up my neck.

"It's important we discuss this thoroughly," he said, his tone reassuring. "I want you to feel safe, not overwhelmed. Let'sgo through the list together and you can tell me what you're comfortable with."

I took a shaky breath, grateful for his patience. "Well, I think spanking could be okay, but only with your hand. And maybe not too hard, at least at first . . ." My cheeks burned at the admission, but David merely nodded, making a notation in the margin.

We worked our way down the list, navigating the unfamiliar terrain of paddles, restraints, and "funishments." Some items made me squirm with discomfort, while others sent a unexpected thrill down my spine. Through it all, David remained a calm and reassuring presence, never pushing, only guiding.

"Now, what about your hard limits?" he asked, pen poised. "Activities or punishments that are completely off the table, no exceptions."

I bit my lip, considering. "Anything that would leave permanent marks," I said decisively. "Or draw blood. And I don't think I could handle public humiliation or degradation either . . . especially because this is my workplace."

David nodded solemnly, jotting down my boundaries. "Of course. Those will be strictly respected, you have my word."

He set down his pen and looked at me earnestly. "Candy, I want you to know that this dynamic is meant to nurture and fulfil you, not make you do anything you're truly uncomfortable with. We can take things as slowly as you need."

Relief washed over me at his words, loosening the knot of anxiety in my chest.

Leaning forward intently, David captured my gaze with his penetrating blue eyes. "If at any point you wish to pause, it's crucial that you let me know," he said, his voice low and earnest. "Your well-being is my top priority, always."

I nodded, a lump forming in my throat at the sincere concern in his tone. "How... how would I let you know?" I asked hesitantly.

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