Page 7 of Jax

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She checked through her other private messages, noticing that someone wanted her to show her foot to the camera. She did so, and heard the electronic beep that told her he’d paid some money. She sent him a kiss emoji, inwardly shivering with disgust.

For some reason, she felt weird about the fact she was in her underwear around Fred. He’d come on here to talk to her about books, and here she was, half-undressed and wiggling her feet about for the camera.

Still, he had logged in to a webcam at Easy Gals. He had obviously come here for more than just books.

"Hey, are these chats monitored?" Fred asked suddenly, his question pulling her out of her reverie.

Mia's heart skipped a beat. Why would he ask that? Her wariness kicked into high gear as she hesitated before responding. "Yeah, they are," she admitted, her fingers trembling slightly over the keys.

"Good to know," Fred wrote, and Mia could almost hear the disappointment in his words. She bit her lip, torn between wanting to continue this unique connection with Fred and needing to protect herself from potential harm.

Just then, a beep sounded that told her that Fred had paid some money. A hundred dollars. Woah. Interesting. Nobody had ever paid her that much without asking her to take her clothes off first. It felt like a strange sort of compliment, but it also reminded her that this was a transactional relationship. Fred was here to pay her for her services. Nothing more. Nothing less.

And probably, the fact that he hadn’t asked her what he wanted from her yet meant that he was building up to asking something really creepy. Like, he was grooming her.

With a deep breath, Mia's fingers hovered over the keyboard. Her decision was made - she couldn't risk letting her guard down any further. "Gotta go. Bye," she typed firmly, her eyes narrowing as she clicked the 'End Chat' button.

The Private chat box went blank. She sighed heavily, feeling a mix of relief and frustration. Why had she let herself get so caught up in conversation with Fred, a man she barely knew? She shook her head, berating herself for her momentary lapse in judgment.

"Stupid, stupid, Mia," she muttered under her breath, her hands balling into fists at her sides. Of course he wasn't different. All men were the same—only out for themselves. And no one proved that more than Chad, her so-called Daddy.

"Trust nobody but yourself," she whispered to her reflection on the computer screen, her green eyes fierce and determined. She'd learned that lesson the hard way, many times, but it seemed she still needed a reminder. As much as she wanted to believe in the possibility of genuine connection, the harsh reality of her life left no room for such fantasies.

Mia took a deep, steadying breath, willing herself to let go of the encounter with Fred. There was no point dwelling on what-ifs or might-have-beens—she had a job to do, and she couldn't afford to let her emotions distract her.

"Back to the grind," she muttered, forcing a smile onto her face as she returned to her computer and prepared herself for the next client’s request.

And as if by magic, a new private chat box popped up. This was a guy called John. Of course.

The words "Hey sexy, let me see what’s under your bra" blinked mockingly at her, and she sighed, checking the time on her computer.

"Alright, fine," she muttered under her breath, clicking the accept button on the chat request. She couldn't afford to be picky with clients, not when Chad was in control of her life.

"Sure thing, baby," she typed back, forcing a flirtatious smile onto her face as she reached behind her to unhook her bra. At least with requests like this, she knew exactly where she stood.

As Mia's fingers fumbled with the clasp, a sudden yawn escaped her lips, making her eyes water. Despite her best efforts, fatigue was creeping in, and her eyelids felt heavy as lead.

"Come on, Mia, just a while longer," she urged herself, struggling to keep her eyes open. But her body betrayed her, and before she knew it, her head lolled forward as sleep claimed her.

The client's frustrated messages went unnoticed on the screen, drowned out by the gentle sound of Mia's breathing as she finally succumbed to the exhaustion that had been dogging her for days. As she slept, she had dark dreams, as the grim web of deceit and danger surrounding her tightened its grip.

Chapter four


Jax rubbed his soreeyes, the endless glow of the screen finally taking its toll. He glanced down at the fake ID and strip club pass he had crafted with his own skilled hands. It was a necessary evil, one that would get him closer to Mia.

He couldn't shake the memory of their last conversation, his frustration mounting as he recalled how he must have sounded creepy and suspicious. “Are these chats monitored?” Jesus. Talk about subtle.

Jax wasn't exactly a social butterfly, but he knew he had to do better—for her sake. That's why he decided to take matters into his own hands, faking a member recommendation by stealing the details of another user from the webcam chat.

"Damn it, Jax," he muttered under his breath. "You really screwed up this time."

As he sat there, replaying their conversation in his head, Jax couldn't help but feel the weight of guilt. If only he had been smoother, less awkward. But there was no use dwelling on thepast. He had a plan now, one that would bring him face-to-face with the woman who had captured his interest like no other.

"Alright," he whispered, steeling himself. "Time to put this plan into action."

His fingers tapped nervously against the cold metal of his laptop, the keys clicking softly beneath his touch. Despite his confidence in his hacking abilities, Jax felt anxious. What if she didn't trust him again?

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