Page 37 of Rusty

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Exhausted and sated, they lay back on the blanket, their fingers still intertwined. Gazing up at the starry sky through the skylight window, the warmth of their connection enveloped them.

Janice snuggled into Rusty's chest and yawned. “I feel so safe here,” she said. “I feel like I could just . . . drift off.”

“Then do it,” Rusty told her softly. “Take a nap with me. In a little while, I’ll wake you up and we’ll do this again.”

Janice smiled, blinking up at him. "Okay. Goodnight, Daddy."

Hearing her call him by that name made him almost explode with happiness.

"Goodnight, my sweet girl," Rusty responded softly, planting a tender kiss on her forehead.

Daddy. She'd called him Daddy.



People say it’s impossibleto turn back the clock. But the past few days, being with Janice again, felt about as close to time travel as you could get.

Rusty stood on the porch of his cabin, bathed in the warm Montana sunlight. He smiled, the corners of his hazel eyes crinkling, as he reflected on the last few days with her. His Little Girl.

Kissing her and making love and laughing with her felt just like he remembered. It was like no time had passed at all. And yet, somehow, it was even better. Ten years ago, Rusty had just been Janice’s Daddy. Now, he was her Dom, too. He spanked her whenever she talked herself down. He tied her up and made her come when she was being mischievous and he wanted to remind her who was boss. He held her down on the bed and fucked her harder than he’d ever fucked her before.

And the sex was so damn good.

It had always been incredible, but now? Now that they were older, wiser, more mature . . . all that extra life experience made everything feel so much deeper, so much more meaningful. It was the most beautiful thing Rusty had ever witnessed.

All of this told Rusty that it was time to sign a proper DDlg contract with Janice and make things official. What’s more, he needed to tell his brothers, and let Chuck know what was going on. Sneaking around stealing private moments together was fun and all, but it couldn’t last. They needed to be free to be together fully.

Yet, some unspoken fear held him back. Was it a fear of Janice’s father finding out? Was it a fear that Janice would reject him? Or was it a fear that he’d let her down again, just like last time?

"Maybe I'll tell everyone tomorrow,” he mused. “Have one last evening in private with Janice.”

Tonight, he and Janice had arranged to have a picnic in the pasture and spend some time with with Snickers. Rusty had an idea that he might even dig out some old photos for them to look through. He had an album somewhere that cataloged all their old adventures together.

Whistling, he stepped inside the dimly lit cabin. Dust motes swirled around him as he rummaged through a wooden chest filled with memories and trinkets he'd collected throughout the years. There had been times, when he'd been sick with emotion at the thought of never seeing Janice again, that he'd almost thrown the chest away. Thank god he never had.

"Ah, there ya are!" Rusty exclaimed, pulling out a small, colorful book from the chest. Janice had decorated the album for him, with doodles of hearts and stars all over it. Rusty hadn’t dared look at the thing for years. Hopefully, Janice would get a kick out of seeing it.

He opened the album at random, chuckling at his mop of light brown hair and the razor-sharp bob Janice had back then.

“You crazy kids,” he said sadly. “You have no idea how much heartbreak is to come.”

As he was about to close the chest, his eyes fell upon an old letter tucked beneath a pile of old ticket stubs. The sight of it sent a chill down his spine.

He hesitated for a moment before picking it up. The handwriting belonged to Janice's father. He’d know it anywhere—as spiky and angry-looking as Angus himself.

Rusty's heart raced as he unfolded the aged paper, dreading the memories that it would unearth. He couldn’t stop himself, though. Now that he’d seen it, he had to read it.


I trust you've had ample time to reflect on the mess you've made. It's come to my attention that you and my daughter, Janice, are carrying on in a manner most unseemly. It fair turns my stomach.

You should know well enough that I wield considerable influence in these parts. I could pull you out of the financial quagmire you've let your ranch sink into. But make no mistake, such aid comes with a hefty price.

You'll break things off with my daughter immediately. I'll not have her led astray by your newfangled notions and wayward lifestyle. Don't try to explain it to her, either. I won't have you getting inside her wee head, making her side with you over her own father. Just leave. And never come back.

So, here's how it stands: Cast Janice aside, and I'll see to it that your ranch stays afloat. Refuse, and not only will your property crumble to dust, but I'll make damn sure every soul from here to John o'Groats knows about your sordid affairs. My daughter will be shamed, her reputation in tatters. Morethan that, she'll not see a penny of my estate, nor make anything of herself in this life.

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