Page 34 of Rusty

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"Janice, would you like to join me on the couch?" Rusty asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Sounds lovely," she agreed, her eyes sparkling.

They settled onto the plush couch, the flickering flames casting a soft, shifting glow on their faces. Sitting so close, their bodies seemed to naturally gravitate toward each other, their fingers intertwining as if they belonged together.

"Rusty," Janice whispered, her voice almost lost in the crackling fire. "Being here with you, sharing this meal . . . it's been wonderful."

"Same for me, Janice," Rusty admitted, his heart racing at her touch. "I've missed this more than I can say."

The dancing flames cast playful shadows on the walls, reflecting in Janice's emerald eyes. Her red hair glowed likeembers, and he felt a warmth deep within him that went beyond the heat of the fire.

"Do you remember the snowstorm that hit just before Christmas? We were snowed in at your ranch for three days."

Janice nodded. "We made the best of it, though. We built that huge snowman, drank hot cocoa by the fire, and made up festive stories. It was one of the coziest times we ever had."

Rusty smiled. He remembered telling Janice he loved her for the first time while they were snowed in. There were so many first times that he remembered with Janice.

"What about that time we went horseback riding up in the Rockies?” Rusty said, a small smile playing on his lips. "I swear, your horse had a mind of its own."

Janice laughed, her eyes twinkling with the memory. "Oh, yes! What was his name?"


"Right! Your memory is so good. River was always going his own way. I was convinced he wanted to head back home, and you had to come to the rescue when he started trotting off the trail. We ended up finding that hidden waterfall, though."

"Rivers always lead to waterfalls, I guess."

Janice giggled. "It was totally worth almost getting lost."

"It was indeed," Rusty replied, remembering vividly how passionately they’d made love beneath that waterfall. That was the first time they had sex without using a condom. It had felt like the most intimate moment of Rusty’s life back then. "It's been hard without you, Janice,” he blurted. “I've missed our connection, our laughter, and our love."

"Rusty, I've missed it too," she admitted, her voice choked with emotion. "I never stopped loving you, even when we were apart. Even thought you left me."

Rusty swallowed hard. That was a brave admission. Janice was so good at being vulnerable. He'd forgotten. “I’m so sorry, Janice. I’m so sorry for all the hurt I caused you.”

Janice squeezed his hand. “It’s all in the past now. Hey, remember the times we had to rescue that calf stuck in the creek."

Rusty smiled. “How could I forget? We were covered in mud by the end of it, but the look on your face when we finally got it out was priceless. That calf became the healthiest in the herd."

They sat in silence for a moment, the comforting weight of their shared past settling around them like a warm blanket. Rusty felt so full of emotion that he could hardly bear it. He tried to change the subject so that he could keep it together.

"You know, ever since you helped Snickers with her pain, she's been making progress," Rusty said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I'd really appreciate it if you could come by again sometime and make sure she stays comfortable."

"Of course," Janice agreed. "I'd love to help."

"You know, when Midnight first arrived here he was troubled. It was a long road, but now he's the trustiest steed a man could have."

Janice looked out the window and admired Midnight's strong, sleek form. "He's beautiful, Rusty. You've done an amazing job with him."

"Thank you," he replied, his chest swelling with pride. "You always believed in me, Janice, even when I didn't believe in myself." He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, taking a moment to smell her intoxicating smell.

Heather and wild honey.

Just as she’d always smelt.

Janice sniffed Rusty back. Then, leaning into his ear, she murmured: "You know, Rusty, our Sunday lunches used to haveanother tradition. . . . A couple of hours after we ate, we used to have lots and lots of sex."

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks. Trying to maintain his composure, he said, "I remember, darlin'."

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