Page 3 of Rusty

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“She can’t come,” Rusty said through gritted teeth. “No matter how much she needs it.”

His mind was racing. He pictured Janice at the hands of a frightening lover, wondering if she was being abused by a bad Daddy Dom. His fists clenched at the thought.

"Don’t worry,” Chuck said. “I told her no, Rusty. With everything that happened between you two, it wouldn't be right to have her here. Might not be much of a sanctuary for her at all."

"Good," Rusty murmured, his gaze fixed on the ground. “And you’re right. Janice and I can never be in the same room together, let alone live on the same ranch. There’s just no way.”

He tried to force down the bitter disappointment that welled up inside him, reminding himself that this was for the best. No good would come of their paths crossing again. It would only lead to more pain and regret.

"Are you okay?" Chuck asked, concern etched across his face.

"Y-yeah," Rusty stammered, forcing a smile. "I appreciate you tellin' me about this, Chuck. Really, I do."

"Of course," Chuck replied, clapping him on the shoulder. "I know it can’t be easy for you to hear. If there's anything I can do . . ."

"Thanks," Rusty said, his voice barely audible. "But I'll be fine. I just . . . need a moment to myself, if that's alright."

"Sure thing," Chuck agreed.

Rusty nodded. A gust of wind rustled the leaves above his head, as if nature itself was whispering its condolences. "Tellme something, Chuck," Rusty said hesitantly, his voice cracking slightly. "Did you . . . did you tell Janice I'm here? At the ranch?"

Chuck shook his head. "No, Rusty. I didn't think it'd be right. I just told her the ranch was at full capacity."

"Good," Rusty muttered, his eyes drifting to the horizon. "That's good."

As he stared out across the rolling hills and pastures that made up the ranch, Rusty couldn't help but let his mind wander to what might have been if things had turned out differently. He imagined Janice standing beside him, her red hair glowing like fire in the setting sun, her Scottish accent lilting through the air as they shared stories and laughter. The way her green eyes sparkled when she laughed. She always laughed a lot. A part of him longed to hold her, to forget all the shit that had happened and find a way forward.

"Wouldn't that be somethin'?" Rusty mused, a bittersweet smile playing on his lips. The thought of seeing Janice again, of holding her close and feeling her warmth, sent a thrill through his chest followed by an overwhelming sense of longing.

But then, Rusty caught himself. He clenched his jaw, quickly pushing away those thoughts. He couldn't allow himself to indulge in such fantasies. It was too dangerous, too risky. He had made his choice all those years ago, and he would have to live with the consequences for the rest of his life. Seeing Janice again could only bring pain—to both of them.

"Rusty?" Chuck's voice pulled him from his reverie. "You alright?"

Rusty blinked, refocusing on the present. "Yeah," he said, his voice steady once more. "I just . . . need some time alone, is all."

"Understood," Chuck replied, nodding. "If you need anything, you know where to find me."

"Thanks, Chuck," Rusty said, forcing a faint smile as he watched his friend walk away.

Left alone with his thoughts and the gentle rustling of leaves, Rusty let out a deep sigh, his heart heavy with the knowledge that there could never be a reunion with Janice. He had chosen this path, and it was now his duty to see it through, no matter what temptations might come his way.

"Ah well, life goes on," Rusty whispered to himself, steeling his resolve as the sun disappeared completely, leaving only the soft glow of twilight in its wake. "Life goes on."

And with that, he pushed off from the fence and squared his shoulders. There were fences to mend, cattle to move, and a hundred other tasks waiting for him. He couldn't dwell on the past, not when the ranch needed him. With one last glance at Snickers, Rusty strode towards the barn, ready to tackle the day head-on.



Under the light ofthe moon, Janice's red hair shone like a beacon as she crept cautiously toward the road sign. Her heart raced in her chest, each thump a reminder of the decision she had made. It was now or never.

The sign read “Littlecreek Ranch.”

"Finally," she whispered to herself. Relief washed over her as she realized that she had found the right place. But behind that relief was a gnawing fear, the worry that if she didn't make it inside, all would be lost.

Her eyes flitted back and forth between the wire cutters in one hand and the blue stuffie clutched tightly in the other. This little toy was her anchor, her comfort in this moment of desperation.

"Okay, Little Miss Giggles, we need to be very brave now," she said, her voice barely audible even to herself. She looked around nervously, ensuring no prying eyes would catch her actions. "Now, we just have to get through that blasted fence . . ."

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