Page 48 of Blake

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Blake nodded. “A journey that you were part of, in some way.”

Savannah smiled, taking a bite of her marshmallow. “God, that’s good.”

“That’s not the only way you affected me, though,” Blake continued. “Seeing you stand up to those bullies while still clinging to your stuffie . . . it made me realize how much strength and vulnerability can exist together. I loved the fact you weren’t afraid to embrace your inner child. Over time, I learned about the DDlg lifestyle, and it chimed with me. I’m not saying you’re the one and only reason I ended up becoming a Daddy Dom, but—”

“I’m one of the reasons, huh?” said Savannah, with a mischievous grin. “Well, maybeyou’rethe reason I never gave up on men completely. Having you stick up for me that day made me see that there was hope.”

Blake swallowed, deeply touched. “One more thing, while we’re confessing things.” He reached out for her hand. “I found you so fucking beautiful that day. It was more than a crush. It was . . . an instant obsession. You gave me a taste for redheads for life." He winked and she laughed.

“I got bullied and harassed so much as a kid,” she admitted with a sigh. “Hardly anyone ever stood up for me. Except for you . . . and Mia.” She paused. “But . . . why didn’t you tell me we’d met sooner?”

“I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable if it was an embarrassing memory,” said Blake. “Plus, I didn’t want you thinking I thought you owed me or something.”

“I don’t think that. I’d never think that. I just thought the boy who gave me a Butterfinger bar was very brave. And very freaking handsome.”

Blake smiled. He leaned in and captured Savannah’s lips in a tender kiss. As they broke apart, he whispered, "In a way, I've been looking for you ever since that day."

Savannah's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for another passionate embrace. "I’ve been looking for you too, Butterfinger Boy."


As they drove back through the suburbs, Blake couldn't help but imagine a future together with Savannah.

"Once this mission is over," he said, gripping the steering wheel tightly, "once we take down the Alderman and Scarface and all the other scumbags, maybe you and I can find a quiet place like this to settle down. A house in the suburbs, just you and me. That’s what you used to dream of, right? A white picket fence? A cute house like one of these?"

They cruised through quiet streets lined with neatly trimmed hedges and children's laughter. It was a picturesque scene, one that tugged at Blake's heartstrings with the promise of a peaceful life just within reach.

"Blake," Savannah said suddenly, her voice firm and resolute, "I want to be part of your team. I want to help you go after the bad guys."

He glanced over at her, his heart skipping a beat. Her eyes blazed with determination, her fingers gripping the door handle as if ready to leap into action right then and there.

"Are you sure?" he asked cautiously, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "It's dangerous work, Savvy."

"I know," she replied. "But I can't just sit on the sidelines—in the suburbs—while there are bad guys out there. I want to help make a difference."

"Damn it," he muttered under his breath. He knew Savannah well enough by now to recognize the stubborn set of her jaw, the fire in her eyes.

His mind raced as they continued driving, thoughts of Savannah charging headlong into danger sending a cold shiver down his spine. The idea of losing her was unbearable, but how could he deny her the chance to fight alongside him?

He swallowed hard, his throat tight with emotion. The weight of his decision hung heavy in the air. Could they truly find a balance between their two worlds, or would the shadows consume them both?

"We’ll talk about it later,” he told her at last.

He’d have to think about it later. Tonight, he had a mission to focus on. A mission that might just get him killed.

Chapter fourteen


Savannah's heart thudded in her chest as she and Blake stepped into The Haven. Blake looked so good in his tux, and she wanted nothing more than to go into the BDSM room with him and let him do all kinds of naughty things to her while dressed up in that commanding outfit.

But that wasn’t why they were here.

She saw Nash and Jax at a booth over in the corner, wearing black suits just like Blake was, with solemn expressions on their faces. They looked less like they were heading out to a charity gala and more like they were off to a funeral.

Maybe they were, in a way. She just wasn’t sure whose funeral it would be.

“Be careful, Daddy,” she whispered, squeezing Blake’s hand. She wished that she could help him on this mission. She was desperate to find out more about what the Alderman’s role was in the trafficking ring and more than anything, she wanted to be the one to tell the whole world about it right afterward.

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