Page 3 of Beloved Charmer

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He continued to follow Killian up onto the patio, where he stopped to speak with one of the vampires. The vampire was his superior which was made evident by Killian's conduct and by the shear presence of the man.

This vampire was not as tall and broad as the others, but the power pouring off of him was incomprehensible. If Sedric had tried to bullshit this guy, it's no wonder that it all went south for him. Sedric saw himself as all-powerful, but these vampires showed him he wasn't all that. Evan stared at the four of them, and it filled him with a sick but justified satisfaction.

Evan took a step toward his father looking down at the man who had treated him as nothing but a tedious burden for the whole of his life and all he saw now was weakness. The angry, impatient and sometimes violent man was now helpless and on his knees. Evan was truly surprised at how much joy that image brought him. He then glanced at Manfred and actually laughed.

"What's the matter, Manfred? Why don't you use your powerful magic to get yourself free? Oh, iron bracelets, well, too bad for you then, hey. Now you know how it feels." Evan cocked his arm back and punched the bastard right in the face bloodyinghis nose. "Doesn't feel good, does it, you piece of shit." Manfred spit on the ground and fixed Evan with an evil glare.

"Stop it, Evan." His father shouted.

"You never told Manfred to stop it when he was beating the piss out of me." Evan cried out and punched Manfred again, then turned to stare at Sedric. He was daring him to say something, anything, but Sedric remained silent.

“Take him inside.” The powerful vampire told the one named Killian.

“Come with me kid.” He said and Evan followed. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he hoped when everything was over that he would be free of his father and free of these vampires.

“What do you want with us?” Evan asked.

“Our business is with you.” That caught and held his attention. “Master Hadden paid your father handsomely to have you come to Pittsburgh and help us with our problem.” That meant absolutely nothing to Evan and the confusion shown clearly on his face.

“How am I supposed to help you? I have no skills all I do is make things worse according to them.” He gestured to the men kneeling on the patio.

“I don’t know the situation with your family but by the looks of things, it’s not good. So, I doubt that they’ve shared much with you.” He was speaking the truth and Evan just kept nodding and tried to understand what was happening.

"The Master will explain what is asked of you, and you will be compensated for your services apart from what has already been paid to your father. When you're finished, we will assist you in relocating if you do not wish to return home." Evanstill didn't have a clue as to what the services entailed, but he liked the idea of finally getting away from his father.

Just as he was pleasantly mulling over where he would like to live, two more vampires entered the room but hung back by the archway. One of them caught and held his attention he was tall like the others, but he was different too.

His hair was dark but not black, and his eyes were a vivid blue. They held Evan's for a few seconds before shifting to take in the entirety of the room. The feeling of being held came over Evan and also a feeling of being let go when he looked away. Evan turned his attention back to the matter at hand.

“What are you going to do to them?” Evan again gestured to the men outside. “They’re my father and my brothers. I don’t give a shit about Manfred. You can do what you wish with him, but I won't help you if you hurt my family. I hate their guts, but I can't stand by and watch them be hurt." The vampire didn't look surprised.

"Most likely, the Master will clear their memories, but he won't harm them." The two vampires by the arch moved closer, and Evan found himself focusing on one of them. With everything that was happening and all the strangers in his home, this one man continually caught his attention and held it. He was similar in so many ways to the others: tall, dark, powerful, and focused, but this one had an added attraction that Evan could not deny.

He'd never met anyone so strikingly handsome, and Evan had difficulty pulling his eyes away from the man. His heart was beating rapidly, and his mind was suddenly going to inappropriate places.

With a deep breath and a firm cough, he pulled himself back under control. These vampires had the ability to enterminds and memories, and he didn’t want to embarrass himself with such thoughts running through his mind. It startled him when suddenly the focus of his attention smiled at him. Evan turned away abruptly as a strange thrill coursed through him.

They were joined by the other vampires, including Master Hadden. Evan looked out to the patio and saw his father and brothers standing there looking in at them. "Did you clear their memories?" Evan asked.

"No, it is better that they remember and understand the consequences of their actions." Master Hadden responded. "I know this isn't making any sense to you, and I'm sorry I can't give you more time and a better explanation." He walked over to where Evan was standing.

"Killian explained some of it, but I don't know how I can be of any help to you or your coven." Evan glanced over to where the handsome vampire had been standing and was surprised to see that he'd moved. He was now standing directly behind him. His nearness was comforting even though Evan did not even know his name.

“You’re going to save my coven and my city.” Master Hadden clear and too the point and then raised his hand, and Evan felt the vampire behind him place his hand on his shoulder and it was lights out for Evan.

Conrad couldn’t believe what he was feeling. The rush of alertness and the sense of familiarity washed over him. He heard Killian talking to someone, stepped into the room, and saw that delicate beauty standing there conversing with one of the deadliest vampires in creation.

He panicked for a second before calming his reaction and realizing that the young man was not in danger. Killian was not going to hurt him. This was the man they came for, and this was the Charmer. He was nothing like what Conrad had expected. This man looked like a hapless teenager.

He moved closer and once he was close enough the realization of who this young man was and why Conrad was feeling so drawn to him became clear. This would be Charmer or perhaps simply a hapless teenager was his beloved.

The young man turned and looked at him, and the connection he experienced was epic. Conrad felt the thrill reach right down to his core. When he smiled and winked, it got him flustered, and he awkwardly turned around but still kept sneaking peaks. He was feeling it, too.

Conrad moved forward, needing to get closer, and placed his hand on Evan's shoulder when they were whisked home, making sure he was safe during the space folding trip. It was a little more bumpy than usual, and several guards landed on their asses when everyone arrived at the Imperial. They all turned to regard Batiste with disdain, assuming he'd done it on purpose. He was that sort of guy.

"It wasn't me." He declared, instantly pointing a finger at Evan. "He is a disruptor. I am a sorcerer, so his presence had minor repercussions. If I'd been a magic, you guys would still be standing in Toronto."

"He's the charmer." Killian clarified, and Batiste smiled and nodded.

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