Page 5 of Deacon

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“I’ll make sure to pass that on to everyone in the club.”

“Good. Where’s Lemon?”

“She and Rocket are in the middle of planning someone’s death, I think.” I could hear the amusement in Bullet’s voice. I also knew he was completely serious.

“I hope it’s some asshole named Deacon,” I snarked. At least, I hope that’s the way it came out. My eyes were watering and my nose running so it was possible it looked like I was crying. Na. No way.

“Heard that one was touch and go, but no. Not Deacon.”

“Pity. Can you please tell the asshole in question to leave? I’m tired. I want to rest.”

Bullet shrugged as he turned to Deacon. “Sorry, man. You heard the lady. And she does need rest, especially since the pot’s not agreeing with her.”

Deacon looked frustrated but resigned. Yeah, I could see him more clearly than I wanted to because he was just asgorgeous as I remembered. Looked a little more battle-hardened and scary, but it was still my Deacon.

“I’ll be back, Apple. When I am, we need to talk.”

“I think all that needed to be said was said. If it wasn’t, I don’t want to hear any more. You hurt me once, Deacon. I’m not game for a second round. You win.”

He stared at me hard. I could tell he wanted to say something but wasn’t going to. Instead, he shook his head slightly. “I’m glad you’re safe, Apple. I’m sorry. For everything.” He winced and shook his head again, then left the room.

I was pretty sure a piece of my soul went with him.

Bullet crouched beside the bed, patting my hand awkwardly. “Lemon thought you might want to talk to him.”

My gaze snapped to Bullet’s. “She thought wrong. I don’t want to see him again.” I made my voice as hard as I could. I wanted this point absolutely clear. Because if Deacon got to me, asked me for forgiveness, I knew I’d be helpless against him. I’d cave like a little bitch and give him whatever the fuck he wanted.

“Not a problem, honey. Cecilia is on her way. She’s gonna stay with you while I finish up some clinic stuff. After that, we’re both gonna stay with you.”

“You don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine on my own.”

“Not tonight, Apple. We’ll talk about it tomorrow, but not while you’re feeling the THC so strongly.”

Yeah. I knew this wasn’t a battle I was going to win. Bullet was a doctor. If he said I needed babysitting, someone was calling a fucking sitter. “Fine. But if your back aches tomorrow from sleeping on the couch, find someone who gives a fuck.”

“Noted.” His tone was even, but I could see his superior smirk. “I’m right in the next room if you need me. Try to get some sleep. Quickest way to get your wits back about you.”

If only.

I lay back and stared up at the ceiling. Why the fuck hadLemon sent Deacon to me? Why would she think I’d even want to see the man again? Sure, she didn’t know what had happened, but I knew my sister well enough to know she’d been given a version of events that had led me to Grim Road. Not from me, but from someone. My money was on Wylde. Hopefully, Deacon would respect my wishes and leave me the fuck alone. And maybe, I could finally move on.


I waited until I was certain Bullet was out of the room before I carefully turned over on my side so my back was facing the door. I curled up in a ball, mashed my fist against my mouth, and fuckingsobbed.

Somehow, I’d managed to doze off. When I woke, it was with the raging need to pee and the worst case of dry mouth known to man. I sat up on the edge of the bed with a groan as my shoulder protested the movement. I attempted to stand, but my knees just weren’t getting the message.

“Fuck,” I muttered as I moved gingerly. I had to stand there for several seconds to see if my knees were going to hold me. Thank God they did because I was not calling out for help. I was still woozy and the whole right side of my upper body hurt like a motherfucker, but I’d handle it on my own.

Pain made taking care of business difficult, but I managed. I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush Cecilia had left for me still in the pack. I washed my face and put my hair up in a ponytail. My shoulder screamed at me, but I bit back a whimper as I dressed. The pain helped clear the last lingering effects of the THC in my system. I knew I was going to need my wits about me if I was going home before Bullet told me I could go. And that’s exactly what I was going to do. I wasn’t staying here where I’d last seen Deacon. Christ! It was like I could still smell Deacon in the fucking room!

I glanced out the window. It was full night outside withvery little moonlight so it had to be late night or early morning. I was hoping Bullet and Cecilia would be asleep. We were still in Bullet’s clinic because he had everything he needed readily available, so they were likely in one of the nearby rooms.

“He had a good reason for what he did, Apple.” Lemon sat in the corner of my room, hidden in the shadows since I hadn’t turned on anything other than the bathroom light.

“I’m sure he did.” I shoved my feet into my shoes which, thank goodness, were slip-ons. I wasn’t sure I could tie my own shoes at this point.

“You should talk to him.”

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