Page 17 of Deacon

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Deacon felt the change in my body, the way my muscles tightened around him, and he let out a deep, satisfying groan. His thrusts became even more determined, pushing us both toward something cataclysmic. I clung to him, my nails digging into his back, marking him as intensely as he marked me.

As the wave of my climax began to ebb, Deacon’s movements grew more desperate, more primal. His face was contorted with concentration and pleasure, a sight that onlyfueled my desire further. Sweat dripped from his face to mine and I reveled in it. The room echoed with the sound of our bodies slamming together, a rhythm that wrote its own carnal music in the air. Then he bowed his back, his face turned to the ceiling. With a lingering bellow, Deacon came. His cock pulsed inside me triggering another orgasm for me. I cried out again as I clung to him, my only anchor in the storm he’d created within me.

Deacon collapsed on top of me, his movements stilled as my body shuddered beneath him, his eyes searching my face for something I couldn’t name. His breath was as ragged as my own, his forehead creased with a mix of concern and unstoppable desire. He must have seen the bliss in my expression, because his lips twisted into a satisfied grin before he rested fully on top of me, his cock still buried snugly inside my pussy.

“Apple,” he whispered against the skin of my neck, his voice rough with emotion. He kissed my jaw. My cheek. My mouth. His words vibrated through me, creating its own pleasure. “You’re incredible.”

I wrapped my legs tighter around him, not wanting this interlude to end. I wanted more. I wanted to do this all night. Maybe then I’d get my fill of this incredible man. The man I was completely head over heels in love with.

Chapter Nine


The next two weeks were equal parts heaven and hell. Heaven because I spent every waking moment in Apple’s presence. Well, when she allowed it. Hell because she took every opportunity to slip away from me which meant I had to actively hunt her down. She’d never run from me.Before.

Yeah. That fucking word. Before. I hated it. It represented the absolute worst time in my life and how the fallout had affected Apple no matter how much I’d intended to protect her. I thought pushing her away as I did had hurt her worse than the gunshot wound. I knew she loved me, but I suppose I hadn’t realized just how much she was invested in me.

Until she wasn’t.

Now, I sat under a big tree next to the clubhouse, I watched her and all the old ladies of the club as they talked and drank peach Crown Royal. I mean, it was still whisky. Right? Occasionally, one or more of them would glance in my direction, but not Apple. She ignored me as thoroughly as a princess ignoring the pig farmer peasant.

Evelyn, Knox’s woman, kept narrowing her eyes at me. Like she wanted to carve out my liver. Olivia would occasionally cast me furtive glances so it was hard to know how she felt. I was pretty sure she hated me too, but also knew I was the man who’d make sure her stepfather was completely out of her life forever. Bear’s woman, Cecilia, was friendly enough, but there was no doubt she was solidly in Apple’s corner no matter what. So if Apple decided she hated me, Cecilia would follow suit.

What puzzled me was how Lemon and Venus reacted. Lemon seemed to be on my side, pushing Apple toward meinstead of pushing me away from her sister. Venus followed Lemon’s lead. Or maybe it was the other way around. I’d seen the two women conversing several times since I’d come here. Always, they were either looking at me or Apple.

At first, I thought Lemon didn’t want me with her sister, but that didn’t really make sense because she was the one who’d told me Apple had been shot in the first place. She told me Apple needed me and to drop what I was doing and get my ass to Riviera Beach. So, I wasn’t sure if Lemon was getting advice from Venus or Venus was telling her she was making a colossal mistake pushing me and her sister together again.

Finally, Apple looked my way. I didn’t dare move or take my gaze from hers. Every time I managed to catch her attention outside of my bedroom, there was a split second of vulnerability in her expression before it hardened and she rolled her eyes, dismissing me.Princess to peasant.

This time, she held my gaze for several seconds before ducking her head and leaving the group. And yeah, every single one of the women looked my way. I sighed. Lucky me.

“You know,” a voice behind me started. I turned to find Venus leaning a shoulder against the tree. Her other hand rested on her hip. As usual, she was in pink from head to toe. “She loves you.”

I turned back to watch Apple as she walked to her house just across the path next to the women’s favorite meeting spot on the property. “She’s afraid I’ll hurt her again.” I shrugged. “I don’t blame her.”

“You did do number on her before she came here.” Venus’s light Russian accent always felt just as eerie as the rest of her. She was pleasant enough, but I’d been told she’d been an assassin before joining Salvation’s Bane MC a long time ago. Her sister, Millie, was just as deadly and dangerous as Venus, and Thorn, the president of Bane, considered her the deadliestmember of his club.

“I thought it was the only way to keep her safe.” Listening to myself after everything that had happened both to me and Apple since I’d left, my excuse sounded pretty damned hollow.

“And now?” Christ. Even the woman’s elegant eyebrows were fucking pink. She raised one at me in question now.

I sighed, scrubbing a hand over my face several times. “I may have overreacted.”

“Why would you overreact?”

“I think both you and Lemon know I love Apple. I was trying to protect her by sending her to a place where no one could find her.”

“You know Iron Tzars could have protected her just as well.”

“I wasn’t willing to take the chance. Besides, Lemon is the better warrior. Danica loves her sister, but Lemon is a protector through and through. I knew the safest place for Apple was with her twin.”

Venus nodded, giving me a slight smile. “Very true. You could have used delicate touch, and she might have gone in direction you wanted. Instead, you made her run. From you.”

“Yeah. Apple should always run toward me. Not away.”

“What will you do about it?”

I stood then, dusting off my backside, then brushing my hands together. “I’ll let you know when I figure it out, but I’m sure groveling will be involved.”

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