Page 6 of Love Always Wins

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“These are your medical records,” he said, looking up at her before going back to the first page understanding the comparison perfectly now. “You’re O negative?”

“Mom and Madison are both A negative, they boys are all O positive. I’m the only one in even the extended family who is O negative actually,” she added as he stared at her.

“Hailey’s O negative. They had to wait for a new delivery of O negative before her surgery because there was another happening…fuck Just. Don’t tell me…” he started to say, staring at her harder when she didn’t respond, before going onto the next page in the report. “Yougave Hailey your kidney? Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

“Your parents—your father would’ve never accepted it and mine would’ve never allowed me to do it, and they certainly wouldn’t have accepted us afterwards. I had the doctor lie to your parents about the kidney donor being dead when I found out that I was a perfect match for her.”

“What am I supposed to do with this news now Justine?” he asked, closing the file as he gazed at her in wonder.

“Nothing—other than try to forgive me for causing you pain,” she said, hating the tears that hit her seeing the hardness around him ease. So much of her wanted him to take her into his arms and just hold her as she hadn’t been since she’d left, but that would be disastrous. More so now than them coming out ten years ago would have been. “You have no idea how much pain I was in Tyler. The physical pain from the surgery was nothing compared to how much my heart ached for you.”

“I wanted to hate you. Every single day I told myself I hated you—each morning I’d wake up determined to not think about you, but you were already on my mind, and I’d make myself try to hate you, but I never could,” Tyler stated moving quickly before she could stop him.

The instant his hand slid into her hair she should have stopped him. It was entirely possible for her to stop him despite the size difference, but her body refused to cooperate. The touch of his lips against hers enflamed her senses and she couldn’t begin to stop it from happening.

His hands skimmed down her sides reaching for the hem of her shirt, and she barely allowed him to break off the kiss to take it off her. He pulled her onto his lap, and she slid her hands over his shoulders gripping his muscles tightly, drowning in the feelings his hands on her skin aroused.

“Tell me to stop Just,” he said pulling back to drag in a breath.

“I can’t. I never could,” she whispered letting out a light moan when he fused his lips back to hers. She pushed at his shirt, and he lifted her into his arms after discarding it, laying her out across the bed with a frenzied kiss. He hovered over her, and she reached up, sliding her hand around his neck pulling him down to her, “Come here.”

“With pleasure, Just…always,” he added in a deep, hungry whisper before his body covered hers, stopping any new thoughts beyond sating the delicious need coursing through her from forming.

Chapter 3

Justine struggled against the arm holding her down, elbowing the body attached to it in order to get up as panic sliced through her.

“There’s no need to beat me up, Just,” Tyler said with a chuckle giving her a lazy smile when her head whipped around to face him. He saw a look of fear slip out of her eyes and sat up, sliding his hand along her cheek. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she lied grabbing the sheet to pull around her unable to believe what she’d allowed to happen last night.

“No? Someone else might believe you, but I know you honey, and I know what your fear looks like. So combine the look in your eyes along with the fact that you just elbowed me in the ribs lets me know something’s up. What is it?” he questioned brushing the hair from her eyes as he dropped a soft kiss on her lips.

“I forgot where I was,” she said honestly, giving him enough to stop his questions while keeping the rest to herself. “I’m not used to someone being in my bed.”

“No? There’s no boyfriend back wherever you’ve been living who would happily beat my head in for last night?” he questioned, his hands trailing down her side, wanting her ashungry for more as he was, but also needing to know who had claim on her now.

“No, no one right now,” she stated fighting to keep herself from giving into more with him.

“Good,” he said with a longer kiss that overrode her commonsense but sent her back into their blissful heaven for several long hours.

Tyler dropped a kiss onto the top of her head as it rested on his chest wondering how he’d managed to live without her the last ten years. “How long are you staying in town?” he asked, and she tensed slightly turning over to look up at him.

“I honestly don’t know Tyler.”

“Your vacation’s that long?” he questioned wanting more—needing more. Needing to know how long he had to convince her to be his entirely despite their families’ objections. He couldn’t lose her again—not knowing what he did now.

“You could say that,” she hedged.

“Just?” he said, lifting a brow her way and she felt as though she were eighteen again, back in time when the simple gesture could make her cave and tell him everything.

“I’m between assignments right now. I have almost five years’ worth of vacation time on the books and decided to take a break,” she finally said. She had to be at least partially honest, or he’d know she was lying the same way he’d known this morning.

“And where are these ‘assignments’ typically located?” he asked when she stopped talking.

“I’ve been living in Maryland. I went to the University of Maryland for psychology and did my masters there.”

“You always wanted to understand the feud more than any of us,” Tyler stated with a smile, running his hands through her hair as it splayed across her back.

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