Page 39 of Love Always Wins

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“Wise choice,” she mused enjoying dinner but even more the hours just after it as they did nothing beyond watch a movie while perhaps making out a bit, teasing one another, increasing the desire until they couldn’t stop from heading to bed early.

Tuesday morning, she gave him a lingering kiss as she slid into her car, driving the nearly two hours to Seattle, shocked to find Melissa there instead of just one of the HR people to sit down and go over things with. She gave the woman a hug, smiling at the surprise on her face.

“Damn, here I was hoping you’d have gotten bored with this small town living and want to come back,” Melissa said making her laugh. “No, I know. From the moment you told me that you and Tyler had gotten back together I knew that you were serious about the resignation. We’re going to miss you, and I don’t know what the heck you’re going to find to do in that town, but you look happier than I’ve ever seen you so I’m really happy for you, Justine.”

“Thanks and as far as what I’m going to do…well, our town and county created a special investigator position to help with online threats, harassment, and predators and the sheriff offered me the job. I shouldn’t need any additional coursework,but we have to send something to some commission,” she added, and the HR rep nodded.

“I can get that worked up and sent over with ease once there’s an official application or offer to attach it to for review.”

“So you’re going to stay in the world somewhat?” Melissa asked and she nodded. “Well then, maybe we need to see about having this position be part of the task force so you can keep your access. You’d officially be their employee but then you’d be able to stay in the loop on things easier. It could be good on both side, if you see something we haven’t then you can let us know and if anything comes up on the other front,” she said holding Justine’s gaze and she knew the woman meant Dynamite and his group, “we’d be able to let you know beyond to simply watch your back.”

“I’d be good with that and I’m sure the sheriff and police chief wouldn’t mind us having more resources to help with things,” she said, and they worked it up before she headed home, stopping by the sheriff's office before going to the house.

“Justine, I just got off the phone with the state’s attorney general. Seems they’re pleased that we’ve managed to secure someone the FBI’s task force thinks so highly of and wanted to see if they could perhaps occasionally see about getting some support from you. I told them I’d have to speak to you on it, but I have a feeling you wouldn’t say no,” he mused, and she shook her head no in agreement with him. “Alright, well, what did you find out?”

“Since the position will be partnering with the task force now, there’s no concerns about when I start. As soon as I’m approved through the commission, they’ll officially process my end of employment paperwork and then I’ll be all yours. They’ll send over my records for review to ensure I don’t need any additional training hours once there’s a record to reference.”

“Then it’s a good thing I already started a file for you. Just need you to fill out the official application and we’ll get it sent up for review,” he suggested, and she quickly filled in the form, then took the rest of the paperwork with her to finish at home as the clock slid closer to six.

“Hi babydoll,” Tyler said as she came into the kitchen, giving her a quick kiss that made her brow lift curiously at the shortness of it.

“Hey honey-bae,” she said, making his eyes sparkle a hint more as she set her things down on the desk at the edge of the kitchen. “Everything okay?” she added when he made no move to pull her into his arms as he normally would, making her heart beat just a bit faster with a hint of worry filling her.

“Yeah, we just have some visitors,” he stated, nodding towards the front room and Justine smiled seeing it was both of their mothers along with their sisters.

“Hi, what are you all doing here?” she asked, hugging everyone but Barb and Caroline. They’d been far nicer and welcoming even to her in the last nearly two months, but they were far from being at the stage she was with the twins where they were fully affectionate.

“We wanted to see what you were going to do for your birthdays. They’re both coming up in the next month and since we haven’t had you home in ten years to celebrate yours, I want to make it special,” her mom said giving her a grin. “We also wanted to see you, make sure everything went okay with your trip.”

“We kind of expected you back a couple hours ago so we’ve been watching Tyler pace for the last hour,” Hailey added giving Tyler a grin. “Is that why you barely kissed her?”

“No, just trying to be mindful that there are others in the house,” he stated, pulling her back against his chest and her smile returned fully.

“Really? Cause that’s never stopped you from making out with her whenever we’re around,” Isabelle said before turning to their mother adding, “not that it’s some vulgar display but he’s usually not so subdued.”

“Usually the moms aren’t around,” Madison said with a wink at her pulling a soft laugh from her lips. “So, how’d it go?”

“Good, really good, which is why I’m late actually. When Melissa heard what my plans were, they checked with the bosses and got it worked out that I can keep some of my access as a member of the task force. So while I won’t be an agent, I’ll have access to their resources still. I popped in at the sheriff’s station since it’s on the way home to let him know and officially put in my application so they can get it pushed through the commission to approve it, to ensure that I don’t have to go through additional training or some academy to be an official officer or deputy.”

“Well I hope they wouldn’t make you have to go through the police academy. I mean, how many police officers try to get into the FBI but can’t? I wouldn’t think it’d be nearly as much hassle going the opposite way,” Madison said, and she nodded.

“So you’re taking the job for sure?” her mom asked.

“Yes, so you’ll all have to deal with it, but it should be far safer than anything I did with the FBI, okay?” Justine said holding her mom’s slightly worried gaze.

“I know, I just don’t like the idea of you being in any sort of danger.”

“We’re all in danger every day, Mom. Sure, ninety-nine percent of it is from unknown sources or accidents that might happen, but we’re never a hundred percent safe. I’m good at what I do and no, this is not an announcement of any sort,” she prefaced it with making the twins giggle a bit, “but, pregnant officers are pretty much on desk duty the entire time and that’s primarily what my job will be as it is. I won’t be out patrolling.I might occasionally be called out to help with something, but I highly doubt it’ll be a regular thing, and like I said, when we do decide to have a baby and I am pregnant, that won’t be an option to start, okay?”

“Alright, so any hints as to when that might be?” her mom asked making her shake her head no at them, laughing when Tyler whispered that he hoped to be trying or at least practicing again very soon into her ear.

“See now that’s what they’re like when we’re around,” Hailey teased.

“And we love to see it,” her mom stated which simply made her heart happier, as did their insistence that no matter what their fathers thought or said, they were going to have a dinner out to celebrate their birthdays. Tyler’s was at the beginning of October while hers was in the middle, and they agreed to have at least one get together for anyone in the family that wanted to come could before they headed out, and Tyler stole her upstairs until much later when her stomach growled with hunger.

It left a happiness surrounding her and Sunday morning she let out a soft groan when someone knocked on the door as she and Tyler were enjoying the peaceful morning. She sat up when Tyler brought the sheriff into the space and her brows lifted curiously since she’d heard from him on Friday that all of the paperwork seemed to be in order for her to start in two weeks.

“Is everything okay?” she asked when Tyler shrugged a hint as she glanced in his direction.

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