Page 25 of Love Always Wins

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She barely breathed until they were between the garage and the house, hidden from view of the woods. They were getting closer to being out of this mess.

Justine hurried them back towards the barn, and they reached the copse of trees minutes later, pausing to breathe andfor her to try the team again. There was still no response, and she shook her head, gauging how far to the road it was now.

They stepped out from the trees and a cackle sounded to her right before something slammed into her side, sending all the breath from her body as she crashed to the ground, a hard weight falling on her.

“Run,” she gasped out to Isabelle, managing to make out Wendell’s sickening face through the soft glow of the moon.

“Not so fucking fast,” Wendell laughed, grabbing Isabelle’s ankle, sending her down next to them. It gave Justine the opportunity to drag in some much needed air, allowing her to kick out at Wendell as he shouted into something, “I fucking got them! They’re in the trees by the barn.”

Her foot connected with his stomach, making him grunt and she pulled away, getting Isabelle free of his hold.

“Go,” she told the girl but as Isabelle stood, it was clear that she wasn’t going to be able to run very much as a pained cry fell from her lips. That left Justine very few options except to take down the bastards herself.

She pushed at Wendell with all her strength, forcing him off her and popped up, moving between him and Isabelle as he lunged for them. His grab didn’t land but her punch to his gut did, sending him stumbling back a hint, cackling again.

“Oh, you think you’re a tough bitch do you? Let’s see what you got then,” he snickered, coming after her again and she countered each of his laden moves with a quicker, successful one of her own, winding him to the point he was hunched over, sucking in air in pants. It let her send a kick to his head, and he landed in a heap on the ground out cold.

Justine slipped an arm around Isabelle, helping her towards the road, but before they could reach it, her arm was jerked back with a painful twist and she felt it snap, bringing her face to facewith Harvey. His breath hot in her face as Isabelle stumbled, falling down again behind them.

“You bitch, where’s my brother?” he demanded.

“Out there somewhere. He’s going to have one hell of a headache when he wakes up,” she shot back, forcing down the pain to stay focused on the jerk.

He lunged towards them, faster than Wendell and she was struggling to stay out of his grasp, her counters nowhere near as successful with her hurt arm. She turned out of his way, and he let out a loud shout of rage when it sent him stumbling over the uneven ground.

When he turned back towards them, he was holding something in his hands, and she moved quickly seeing him brandishing what looked like a tree branch towards Isabelle. She jumped between them, the blow hitting her already hurt arm as she held it up to shield Isabelle. The force sent them both stumbling to the ground, and Justine slid her hand into her boot, pulling out the gun, doing her best to hold it steady with the agony running through her arm.

“FBI…take another step and I’ll shoot, Grimes,” she warned using his name to make her point.

“Like hell you will,” he crowed coming at them with the branch raised once more and she didn’t hesitate. She pulled the trigger, landing a bullet in his shoulder as a huge shout of pain tore through the night.

Justine wasn’t entirely sure it was all from him as the slight recoil of the gun felt magnified by a thousand through her injured arm.

Harvey fell to his knees, dropping the branch, and she helped Isabelle up, moving them backwards away from the man. They were a good fifty feet from him when someone grabbed her, and the feel of a cold sharp blade settled against her neck.

“I’m going to kill you and enjoy it you fucking bitch,” Wendell seethed, and Justine let out a slow breath, a strange calm settling over her.

“You’re not man enough to do it,” she returned, lifting the gun, putting a new bullet into Harvey’s leg as he started their way, before quickly turning out of Wendell’s shocked and loosened grip, grabbing his arm with her good hand, twisting it back around and down until it slid into his stomach sending him to the ground groaning in pain.

“Justine!” Moe’s staticky voice shouted over her earwig as she eased her and Isabelle further away from the two. “Justine, for…love…god. Answer…”

“Get your asses in here now,” she replied not taking her eyes off the two as Isabelle shook within her hold. There was something wet on her neck and she patted the girl’s arm, trying to comfort her as best as possible until the entire area flooded with lights, the sound of engines drowning out the cries of pain of the two bastards on the ground.

“Justine!” Luke shouted, hurrying over to her side and she relaxed her stance as agents rushed the two men, cuffing them despite their injuries.

“What the hell happened? We couldn’t get hold of you, and we heard shots,” Dean added, and she turned them towards her team, her gun feeling like a lead weight in her hand as the surge of adrenaline began to wane.

“Take this for me,” she told Luke, and he grabbed it before she dropped it, then lifted her arm swearing, and stupidly, she looked down, seeing the awkward angle of it as the bone pressed against her skin but thankfully not puncturing it.

“We need medical now,” Luke stated, catching her as she started to go down.

“There are more girls in the barn. They’ll all need medical,” she warned before things went dark.


“Isabelle!” Hailey shouted as they hurried into the ER, and Tyler’s head flew over to a group standing not far from his sister. Behind them were more bays with the curtains pulled shut and his jaw tightened not seeing Justine anywhere.

“Hailey,” Isabelle said, hugging her twin hard before she glanced towards the rest of them. “I’m okay…I sprained my ankle and have some bruises but that’s it.”

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