Page 7 of Amelia

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The company was trying to purchase a manufacturing plant to add to their fold, which would effectively give them the ability to produce every single piece needed for their product and produce it without going outside of themselves. Everyone was rushing around scrambling to get the answers they needed for the big boss, but they couldn’t find them. I knew exactly where to after a glance at a document I shouldn’t have seen. When Stan Eames, the Finance VP, walked into the office, I hesitated for a moment but when he asked if Douglas Tines had called, I shook my head in the negative.

He was prepared to head into his office, but I found my nerve and stated, “Mr. Eames, sir, if I may? I saw the name of the company you’ve been looking into.”

“How did you manage that?”

“Brittany dropped a file in the hallway and the name popped out at me,” I said truthfully.

“Why is that?”

“Because I use to work for them.”

“You what?” Stan said an amazed look crossing his face.

“I worked for them in Missouri before I moved here. I’m certain I can help get you the answers you’re looking for,” I told him.

“Hallelujah, at least one thing managed to work out right,” he muttered. “Stay here while I get someone to cover the phones.”

It only took a couple minutes to get someone to cover for me and then I was being ushered into a huge conference room.

“Stan, I hope this interruption is worth it,” a man stated standing up.

My first impression was,whoa! He was gorgeous, male model gorgeous, with a build of a football player and the height of a basketball one, in other words an amazing specimen, one I’d never find inside a strip club. My eyes automatically went to his left hand, covertly of course, you learn a thing or two about averting your gaze at a club and found it bare. He has be to a confirmed bachelor because no sane woman would ever not try with him.

“Rafe, sorry for barging in here but I think we’ve found what we’ve been looking for,” Stan said. “This is Amelia…”

“Thorpe,” I remind him.

“Yes, sorry, Amelia Thorpe, she’s been filling in while my assistant is out on maternity leave,” he told the room.

“Nice to meet you Miss…Ms. Thorpe,” Rafe says to me as the sun caught my ring and his gaze was drawn to it. “Forgive me if I’m lost but what have you found Stan?”

“Amelia,” Stan said with a chuckle, but Rafe didn’t look amused. “Amelia worked for Lemans before moving to the city.”

The air in the room suddenly changed with that one statement, it began bursting with excitement and anticipation instead of being filled with panic and anxiety. Rafe gave me a long curious look before nodding to the others who suddenly disappeared. Running while they had a chance it felt like to me. Stan stayed but one stare from Rafe had him excusing himself, and I could hear him whistling as he walked down the hallway to his office.

“Ms. Thorpe,” Rafe said turning back to me.

“Amelia, please, I hear Ms. Thorpe and look for my mother,” I blurt out before I remember that everyone here thinks I’m married. Maybe he would think I was talking about a mother-in-law, but his gaze told me he caught the real meaning.

“Amelia,” he said, letting me off the hook about anything personal, “please have a seat.”

“Mister…” I start but he stops me.

“Rafe, everyone who works here calls me Rafe. There are entirely too many Mr. Gordon’s in the world, including in this building, for me to sit on pretense,” he said trying to put me at ease I can tell.

“Rafe…I don’t like beating around the bush so I’ll tell you whatever you want to know but there are some things that my own personal sense of loyalty will not allow me to reveal,” I warn, and he sends another one of his looks my way.

It’s disturbing yet flattering all at the same time and I found myself wondering what it would feel like to have him stare into my eyes and not at me. How it would feel to be wrapped in the long arms that he gently placed on top of the table, and how well my head would fit onto his shoulder or if we’d melt into one another perfectly while I laid in the crook of his arms.

Whoa, where the heck did that come from? Come on girl get it together, one gorgeous guy looks at you like you’ve suddenly opened up a whole new world of possibilities, corporate possibilities no less, and you start imagining that? Boy do I ever need to get a life. Maybe a date every now and then won’t be so rough or damaging to my career plans if it only takes a little glance like that to get me going.

Focus Amelia, I tell myself,business, Lemans, stick with that. Don’t let the bulging biceps trapped beneath his long-sleeved pale blue button up shirt make you wonder what it’d feel like to wear only it. What his hands would feel like running up and down your back as he kisses you, slowly unbuttoning it until his hands can touch your bare skin.

“Amelia?” I hear and I realize he was talking to me while I was fantasizing about him. Something I never, and I meanneverdo. Wow, Ireallyneed a life.

Chapter 4

“I’m sorry I was thinking about Lemans. What did you say?” I ask, praying I don’t sound as breathless to him as I do to myself.

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