Page 48 of Amelia

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Neither of us wanted lots of attendants, so we only have Sam and Preston standing up with us, but several of the girls from theclub, friends from school, and Rebecca are in the crowd, and I give Rafe a smile as Dad puts my hand in his. My heart flutters when he takes Maggie and settles in next to Mom with her on his lap. Our girl is loving my extended family, especially since a lot of them also know sign language and can talk to her with ease. She’ll never feel out of place in our world that’s for certain.

The ceremony is quick but beautiful, an interpreter there for Gramps, Maggie and a few friends I made at college who are also deaf. It lets me concentrate on Rafe instead of worrying about them not enjoying the wedding, and for Maggie mostly, we both sign our I do’s as well as speak them and our vows.

By the time he kisses me, I’m ready to melt into him and never come up for air, and I laugh softly seeing Gloria Farris dabbing her eyes when we turn towards our guests as Mr. and Mrs. for the first time. It leaves a smile on my lips all throughout the photos and long into the night. Mom and Dad have Maggie with them, leaving us to enjoy an incredible night in a gorgeous suite.

Not that we did much sleeping.

The sun was already coming up by the time I collapsed on Rafe’s sweaty chest, my body boneless with a huge smile on my lips. His fingers drew lazy circles on my back, and I let out a soft sigh of contentment. My Mr. Right definitely gave me everything I could have ever wished for, and I couldn’t be happier.

“What are you thinking about?” he asks, dropping a soft kiss onto my forehead as he holds me tighter against him.

“That you gave me the perfect fairytale wedding and most certainly wedding night,” I admit, lifting my face to see his. “This—you and me—it’s everything I ever dreamt of and to have Maggie to add to it already, is so incredible, Rafe. Thank you for not letting me run. For knowing me, no matter how annoying itmight be sometimes,” I add making him chuckle before his lips cover mine with a soft, happy kiss.

“Well, I was being a bit selfish with not letting you run, baby. You are everything to me. Spending just a few minutes with you was enough to have me trying to figure out whose ring you wore and what it would take to get you away from him. When we were here last year just starting to get Lemans as ours, I knew I’d never give up on us. Holding you that afternoon was everything I wanted and the only thing I could think that would make it better was Maggie with us, enjoying the softness of your love as well…and maybe another baby or two,” he adds, sending shivers through me because it’s what I want now so much. “You’d better be prepared because when you tell me that you’re ready for that possibility, you’ll need to double up on your vitamins because tonight will seem tame, baby.”

“You don’t think it’d be too fast for Maggie for us to think about me going off my pill sometime soon?” I ask, gasping a bit when Rafe rolls us until he’s hovering over me, his eyes dark, hungry orbs that I want to live in. He’s my raft in this river of sweetness and I’m not at all scared to go down it anymore—not with him beside me, behind me, under me lifting me up to reach the heavens.

“Baby, do you really not realize how often Maggie talks about babies? When she sees one while we’re out on a walk, or at the park, or even picking her up from school…” he says, his brow lifting, and I can’t fight the rush that slips through me realizing he’s right. “She wants a little brother or sister probably as much as I want to put one in you. No matter if it comes out hearing or not, she’s going to love it because she loves you more than anything. You’ve made her world come alive and we definitely want to share it with another little one.”

“It could take months for it to happen, for my body to regulate after being on birth control for so long. So maybe Ishould just stop taking it now and whatever happens, happens?” I suggest, and Rafe’s kiss was answer enough.

It filled me with pure joy as did our two-week honeymoon that we spent in Hawaii with Maggie. Coming home was hard because while I love my job, being with Rafe and Maggie every day, definitely was a treat.

So it wasn’t a surprise when Rafe came into our suite just before lunch, stealing me away to his office where he locked the door, fed me, and then simply held me. With a few kisses sprinkled in here and there. Neither of us was willing for it to go too far while here—at least not while there were others around. Rafe was a more than just little possessive of my moans and cries while he made me come.

By the time the new school year rolled around, I was getting a bit worried about my cycle. I still hadn’t had a period and after dropping Maggie off for her first day, I went to see a doctor just to have my hormone levels checked while Rafe was across town at a meeting.

It was late that afternoon when the doctor’s office called my phone and I drug in a deep breath as I answered it, worried about them calling this soon. “Yes this is Amelia Gordon,” I told the lady on the other end, a stupid smile on my lips every time I gave someone my married name.

“Wait, can you say that again?” I ask a minute later, certain I couldn’t possibly have heard what I think I just did.

“Dr. Becker would like you to come in for an ultrasound at your earliest convenience. The bloodwork came back with high HCG levels which is indicative of pregnancy, due to your lack of a recent period, we need to do an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy and determine how far along you are. Is there anytime that works best for you?” the nurse adds, and I glance at Rafe’s calendar seeing he’s free the rest of today and all day tomorrow, and let her know any time this week except forThursday since Rafe’s calendar is full that day. “You’re free this afternoon?”

“Yes, I’m free,” I state, confirming that I can be there in an hour before packing up my things to go see my husband. While Stan technically is my boss, Rafe owning the company overrides him if he’d begin to deny me leaving. I give Rafe’s assistant a smile when I reach his office, then head inside without knocking, grinning when the irritation falls from his face seeing me.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks, his eyes running over my bags.

“To the doctor’s, they called to see when I could come back after getting the results of some of my bloodwork,” I state, smiling gently when he pushes away from his desk, coming around to pull me into his arms.

“Is everything okay?” he asks, his brows furled, the concern and worry pouring off him and it’s another reason I love him so much.

“They need to do an ultrasound to confirm and date our potential baby,” I answer him, smiling up at his dazed expression as I nod.

“They said you’re pregnant?” he asks, lifting me off my feet as a huge smile spreads across his face.

“That’s the most likely possibility they said. The ultrasound should show for certain since my HCG levels were high and HCG generally means a baby with couples that aren’t using protection but are actively having sex,” I tease him, and a little over an hour later, his lips tease mine in the softest, sweetest kiss ever when the technician locates a heartbeat going strong.

“From the measurements we’ve taken you look to be right about eight weeks,” Dr. Becker says when we’re in an exam room. “If you haven’t had any morning sickness, consider yourself lucky. That and a missed period are usually the first signs most women have, tiredness is another.”

“That she’s had,” Rafe says, making me blush, but he kisses my cheek, and I can’t be mad at him. “She’s been taking a prenatal since we got married and decided to stop using birth control. Is there anything in addition she should be taking?”

“No, a good prenatal is important though so continue to take it. We’ll see what the rest of the bloodwork comes back with and take it from there. If you’d like to do any genetic testing before the baby is born, let us know by week sixteen so we can get it scheduled. Unless you have any questions or any concerns come up, we’ll see you in four weeks,” she says and I can’t stop the smile that hits as Rafe gives me another, sweet kiss before we head out.

I don’t know who is more excited when we tell them, Maggie, Mom, or Lorie, while Dad just gives Rafe a glare. He relents a bit when we find out we’re having a boy, and by the time our little Samuel arrives, he’s just as excited as Mom is to have a grandson.

Maggie adores him from the start, and even learning that he can hear, doesn’t upset our girl. She dotes on him entirely and nineteen months later, she dotes on our new little ones when Kaden and Keira arrive almost a month early.

Learning they both have the same condition that Maggie does hurts a bit, but it doesn’t begin to make us love them any less. It does end up taking me away from the office which ends up making Rafe pout a bit, but I can’t stand the idea of not being there to comfort our babies when they’re upset. They can’t be soothed with words the way Samuel was and I want to be the one to love them and teach them most.

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