Page 41 of Amelia

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“Just let him go Harrison,” I beg, trying to get his attention off Rafe and onto me. “Let him go back to New York and I’ll stay here, I promise.”

“No you won’t, not as long as he’s out there,” he replies shaking his head. It distracts him long enough for Rafe to jump him, knocking the gun out of his hand as they fought.

My heart stalls as they trade damaging blows.

Harrison shoved Rafe out of the way and dove for the gun getting his hands on it as Rafe covered Harrison’s body with his own. He grabbed Harrison’s wrist squeezing as he tried to get the gun from his grip again.

Rafe slammed his arm down into the pavement and the gun clattered away as Harrison brought his elbow back up into Rafe’s side. I tried to get the ropes to cut faster, but the knife was a bit dull, and I couldn’t manage it too well at the angle I was going. I felt them finally give around my wrists and I pulled my arms free of the mess as I worked on the set around my stomach that was biting into my sides.

I sent a glance back towards Rafe and Harrison praying someone would show up soon to help him. There was no way I could lose him, not after finally getting an answer as to why Chad had done what he had. It hurt even more to know, but I couldn’t let Rafe make the same choice. He had Maggie to take care of, it was entirely different.

“She’s mine!” Harrison yells as Rafe managed to get the gun, tossing it off the side of the bridge to ensure Harrison couldn’t use it. He raced towards Rafe, and I shouted in horror as he connected to Rafe’s center, knocking him off balance and over the side.

“No! Rafe!” The words were ripped from my throat as a wounded cry followed. The ropes around my stomach fell away and I leaned over, hearing a small noise below me. “Rafe!” I exclaim, seeing him gripping the pipes that ran along the bottom of the bridge and held onto the pillar as I leaned further down. “Rafe…”

“No, it’s not possible!” Harrison shouts looking over from behind me. He grabbed the back of my head and jerked it upward putting a hand around my throat. “Let go or I’ll snap her neck.”

“No,” I shout at both of them. I reach up with my free hand and grab his wrist, twisting it quickly as he let out a shout of pain. He grabbed the knife, and I leaned out of the way, as Rafe caught my gaze.

“Ame, I love you,” he states as Harrison lunged for me. I saw his hand start to let go and reached down grabbing it, as Harrison put the knife against my throat.

“Let him go.”

“No,” I shout, spitting in his face before rolling onto my stomach as I grab Rafe’s other arm refusing to let go of him.

Harrison stood up and kicked my stomach, knocking a cry from my lips as the pain tore through me.

“Let go baby,” Rafe says softly as he did it again.

“No…I love you Rafe. Please, don’t leave me,” I plead, meeting his gaze and Harrison shouted in rage hearing it.

Chapter 15

“Let go baby,” Rafe tells me again as the tears slipped from my eyes. “Stop him and take care of our girl.”

“No, I can’t lose someone else because of him,” I state, pushing the pain away as Harrison began to pace back and forth behind me. I turn my head back towards Harrison finding him talking to himself quietly as he waved the knife around. “You promised me you’d never hurt me. You can’t do that and leave me too. Please Rafe.”

He put a hand back onto the pipe and I grabbed his other arm with both hands pulling him back up as he lifted his legs, getting them onto the bottom pipe. Harrison was so far inside his delusion and argument with himself, he didn’t notice, and I breathed a bit easier as Rafe gripped the bottom rung of the bridge’s railing. He pushed himself over it and pulled me into his arms kissing the top of my head.

“I love you baby,” he whispers over and over, holding me tightly to his chest.

“I love you too Rafe,” I tell him, kissing him despite the fact that Harrison could snap out of it any moment.

He just continues to rage to himself behind us and I lean forward to work on the knots holding my feet together and to the pillar as Rafe keeps an eye on him. About a hundred feet awayfrom us was a square mounting that would hide Rafe’s size and I knew what to do. “Go over there; if I act like you fell, he’ll come to check. If I can’t get away from him…”

“Then I’ll be here to help,” he states in understanding as his eyes caught mine. He gave me a gentle kiss as he eased back behind the thick concrete, crouching down until he was able to hide from view.

I saw the large piece of rock beside him and nodded towards it. He put his hand out, as I laid back down and on three, I shouted as loudly as I could. “Rafe! NO!NO!”

It pulled Harrison from his manic state, and he turned back towards me laughing as he hurried over. “I knew it…I knew you’d choose me,” he says, and I waited until he was nearly to me before popping up sending him over the edge of the wall. He grabbed my ankle and I fell down, smacking into the pavement as he pulled me towards the edge.

“Rafe!” I screamed, terror washing through me unable to grasp anything to stop me from going over.

“I’ve got you, baby,” he assures me, rushing to my side, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me back towards him.

Harrison was weighing me down still, and kicked at him, trying to free myself as we saw lights splash across the bridge. The sound of footsteps running towards us didn’t soothe me any as Harrison kept hold of me, pulling me away from Rafe.

“You’re going to kill her,” Rafe shouted down at him.

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