Page 23 of Amelia

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The next day, I kept Maggie home with me since I didn’t know her routine or anything of the sort. I didn’t feel comfortable just taking her to school myself while leaving Rafe and Lorie here sick.

She sent a message to her school saying she was sick, the same thing she’d done the day before and I was impressed at her ingenuity. We had a fun day together and I was completely under her spell just as I was under Rafe’s. Tucking her in for bed was sweet and when she hugged my neck, my heart melted.

Lorie went to sleep, still slightly out of it and I set her up with water before going to check on Rafe. He was better than Lorie was but still feverish and I forced him to take some more Tylenol before he fell asleep. I took advantage of the quiet house to take a quick shower and threw on one of his t-shirts while I washedmy clothes. Three days in the same outfit wasn’t my idea of fun but I didn’t dare leave them alone to go get more clothes.

I let them hang to dry as I went back up to check on the three sleeping members of the household. Maggie and Lorie were both out, but when I went to check on Rafe, putting my palm on his forehead to check his temperature, his hand snagged my arm and pulled me down beside him.

“Amelia,” he groaned as his lips covered mine.

I know I should have pushed him away, if for no other reason than the fact that I’d probably come down with the flu too, but I didn’t. I let him kiss me and I responded until he passed out. When I went to move his arms tightened around me and for the second night in a row, I slept in his arms.


“Amelia?” I heard a voice ask as I pulled myself awake. I bolted up and found myself staring into Rafe’s now clear eyes.

“Oh my god…” I gasp as everything came back to me, quieting my shock.

“What happened?” he inquired taking in my attire, or more aptly his, since it was his t-shirt.

“We couldn’t find you Wednesday. I stopped by, and Maggie let me in,” I admit as he glanced towards the door.

“I knew I felt like hell Tuesday night…wait…where was Lorie?” he asks pushing a hand through his hair.

“Sick…probably as bad as you were.”

“I should go check on Maggie. She’s probably freaking out,” he states moving to the edge of the bed. “How did you…”

“Talk to her?” I ask gently. “Easily…” I answer with both words and signs. “I’ve been signing since I was a baby. My grandfather lost his hearing in a work accident, so we all do it.”

His expression was enough to make up for the fact that I’ve had very little sleep the past two days and then he was looking at me again and I couldn’t quite read what his eyes were saying.

“Rafe…she’s okay. She sent the school a message Wednesday saying she was sick and then we sent another yesterday since I didn’t know her schedule or anything like that. She’s spent most of her time doing her schoolwork that was sent via their portal.”

“It’s not that Amelia,” he sighs turning back to me. “I’m sorry baby…”

“For what? Not telling me that your daughter is different? It’s fine Rafe. I hadn’t expected to meet her and it’s your business.”

“No, for…” he says with another sigh. “I’m sorry for making our first time so bad.”

“What?” I ask completely confused until a slight blush formed over his cheeks and I couldn’t stop the smile that crossed my face. “Rafe we didn’t…you didn’t push me into anything if that’s what you’re worried about. The only thing that happened was you pulling me down onto the bed with you, the last two nights.”

“I didn’t?” he asks, reaching out and moving a hand to the side of my face.

“No. Do you really think I’d let you when you’re sick as a dog?” I tease turning my head to drop a kiss on his wrist.

“No, but I’m twice your size Amelia, and…”

“And you think that I can’t handle stopping something? Rafe, one you were sick as can be, so you weren’t anywhere near your normal strength and two, I am a black belt. If you had tried something, I would have happily kicked your butt whether you were sick or not.”

“You don’t know how glad I am…the thought that I could have…”

“You didn’t Rafe. You held me so if I come down with the flu it’s your fault,” I joke pushing at his arm with a grin, “but that’s it. Don’t worry I was up before Maggie was. She doesn’t know I was here with you either. I should probably get up and get dressed so I can check on Lorie before making breakfast for the sickies…”

I scoot off the bed and hurry towards the door to ensure Maggie doesn’t find me in here. “Rafe please take it easy. Take a shower if you really need to but you’re not going to work today.”

“Are you always so bossy in the morning?” he inquires with a grin.

“Absolutely…but be warned, this is the easy-going Amelia,” I reply before heading downstairs. I grab my clothes and change pulling my hair back into a low bun before making a light breakfast for everyone. I was about to go upstairs to check on them when I saw Rafe, Maggie and Lorie all heading down the stairs towards me.

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