Page 20 of Amelia

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“Did you…”

“Why shouldn’t you help out? Your friends are in a bind and it’s not like you don’t know what you’re doing. If you’re holding back because of me…don’t worry Amelia. Like I said, your job’s safe.”

“You seriously don’t have an issue if I help out or would decide to continue working at Vivian’s?” I ask because I honestly don’t know what to say.

“If it’s what you want I won’t stop you. I would just remind you that we are going to be travelling back and forth between New York and here quite often until we have Lemans’ new production line well under way. I’m not sure how much notice we’ll always have before getting a flight so I can’t guarantee you won’t miss shifts.”

The looks on Sam and Tony’s faces sent me backstage and grabbing an old outfit that I knew I’d left. I borrowed a pair of heels from Misty and headed back out onto the floor, which was beginning to get crowded. My first table was the booth Rafe was sitting at and the look that crossed his face sent my eyelashes fluttering back.


“Thank you,” I say flashing him a real smile and not the one I use to gain more tips. “You don’t have to stay you know. I can take care of myself, and I’ve got Sam and Tony to watch out for me.”

“Maybe I’ve decided to give this type of establishment a try…”

“If that’s true you might want to turn and face the stage so you can see what’s going on,” I tease noting from his spot that he would have a good view of the floor but not of the stage.

“I think I like this view better.”

“A typical male response…let me know if you want another beer or something else to drink. Sam will comp it since I’m technically not getting paid for tonight.”

“I’m good for now. I have to drive still.”

“If I’m working, I’m not drinking. I can drive back to the hotel with my eyes closed so I’ll bring you another beer and you can decide if this is your forte after all and if not, I have a tablet in my bag you can use—a computer tablet,” I add when he gives me an odd look. “It’ll automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network, and you can browse the internet.”

A few hours later, I walked by to find him on it and another smile graced my lips. At least he wasn’t lying when he said he wasn’t interested in the show being brought to the crowd up on the stage.

I can feel his gaze on my backside every now and then and it’s kind of nice. I know my legs look amazing, and despite the pizza I’d eaten my stomach was as smooth as ever and my breasts…well they certainly are a party all in themselves.

“You sleeping with him?” Tony asked when I’d stepped behind the bar to make some drinks.


“You want to?” he added, and I swear I’m blushing again. What is up with me? I don’t blush, I’m not that sort of girl but yet anytime anyone mentions anything regarding sex to me in relation to Rafe and I light up.

“That’s a bit personal isn’t it? I don’t ask if you want to sleep with Nikki, do I?”

“You just did…come on kid,” he says knowing I hate being called a kid, “you like him.”

“Maybe I do but he’s my boss and it’s complicated. He’s got an eight-year-old daughter. What do I know about kids?”

Okay another lie, because I’ve been babysitting and watching the nursery at church since I was thirteen at least. I can change a diaper and soothe a crying baby all in two minutes. I just don’t want Tony knowing the real reason I’m so flustered when it comes to Rafe.

If the people here knew I was still a virgin they’d run me out of here faster than one, two…oh shit…again, the language but seriously? I come back in for one night…to eat a pizza with Rafe and get roped into helping and now this?

“You okay Ames?”

“No. Do you see the slightly balding gentleman…if I can even call him that anymore, heading towards the front of the stage…he goes to church with my parents. He’s the father of a friend, well, classmate from school and I can’t…if he sees me there’s no way that he won’t tell my parents even if it means revealing he was here.”

“Look he’s leaving with someone,” Tony said nodding towards the other man he was pulling from the table.

“Thank god, if my parents knew…don’t laugh Tony it’s so not funny. You might want your mother to keel over and die and at times I do too but no matter how utterly annoying I find her she’s still my mother.”

“You’re priceless Ames. I’ve missed your spunk.”

“Thanks Tone,” I said tossing him a flirty smile and a wink as I take my drinks to their owners. A table of college students who should be studying for exams and not out drinking at a strip club.

Now here’s the thing with college students. They think they’re adults but really, they’re simply overgrown teens with hormones that they can’t control. So when you take one table of half-drunk slobbering idiots and then add in a second tableof equally drunk fools from a rival school, who happen to be in town for the big game that weekend, the only thing that’s bound to happen is trouble and if there’s one thing that follows me…it’s trouble.

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