Page 16 of Amelia

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Stop it Amelia, there’s only so much you can give into in one day and you absolutely have met your quota.

“If I weren’t a happily married man, I’d be concerned that my wife would try and steal you,” Charles says sending Rafe what I assume is supposed to be a joking warning.

“Honestly dear,” Gloria says her feathers a bit ruffled, “it’s quite obvious that the only thing Rafe has eyes for is Amelia…and Lemans.”

Suddenly the room becomes entirely too hot, and I wish the floor would open up and swallow me whole. Why do older people think they can get away commenting about two almost complete strangers’ love life or interests? I mean really, is it that interesting or is it the whole growing up watching soap operas thing that did it to them?

“You can’t blame me Mrs. Farris, can you?” Rafe asks, appearing to be perfectly content now that he has the contracts signed and their shares now belong to him.

“Not at all,” she agrees. “Amelia was always sunshine at Lemans and it’s very heartwarming to know that she’s still going to be a part of it. We hope you will stay in touch.”

“Of course,” I say with a smile, and it’ll probably be true. In small doses, I can handle them and their eccentric ways.

“Well then do you feel like visiting the factory and see what’s now yours?” Charles asks.

“Not mine yet, I still have the tiny little matter of the two hundred thousand dollars to settle,” Rafe reminds them.

“Oh phooey,” Gloria says, “you own the place and Diamonds can’t do a thing about it. Whoever owns those shares owns the company.”

“What do you say Ame?” he asks me.

When did he start using my nickname? Oh who cares, it sounds amazing coming from his lips.

“I’d love to,” I answer and we’re soon in the car on our way. He turns to get onto the interstate, and it hits me…we’ll be tied up in traffic forever and that will be too much for my still frazzled nerves.

“Actually why don’t you go straight,” I suggest, and he gives me one of his questioning looks. “Trust me; I’ll get us there in less than thirty minutes.”

“Want to place a bet on it?” he says five minutes later as we’re sitting trying to turn left without a protected arrow.

“What kind of bet?” I ask knowing better than to agree without hearing the terms.

“If we don’t make it there in the thirty minutes you owe me…a night of private waitressing,” he says and my mouth twitches as I suppress a grin.

“And if I win?”

“Hmm…” he says as the traffic dies and he’s able to turn.

“If I win, you have to take me to Sam’s tonight for pizza,” I tell him, the idea sounding better in my head before I added in the thought of twenty plus near naked women parading around the place.

“That’s what you want if you win?” he asks his face showing his surprise.

“Just think how uncomfortable you’ll feel sitting with me in the back booth while there are tons of women on the floor wearing next to nothing.”

“Okay, it’s a deal,” he says as we stop for another light.


“Seriously?” he says twenty-two minutes later as we pull into the parking lot at Lemans. “How did you manage that?”

“I’m sure you know a back way or two around New York,” I tease with a smile, pulling out my phone and sending Tony a message about my appearance that evening.

“Who are talking to?” he asks nodding at the phone.

“Tony,” I say with a shrug. “He’s the bartender and pizza ‘chef’ at Sam’s. I was warning him that I expect my normal tonight and to keep it on the down low so it’s a surprise for Sam.”

“And do I get to meet this Sam person? I’d like to know the guy who convinced you to waitress.”

“Sam’s a woman,” I explain, and his face is the best combination of surprise, relief, and suddenly absent jealousy that I’ve ever seen, and it puts a bright smile on my face as Charles and Gloria pull into the parking lot.

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