Page 12 of Amelia

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“Rafe,” is the only thing I can manage, it comes out on barely a whisper.

“Fuck baby don’t say my name like that,” he groans, lifting his other hand to gently remove a piece of hair from my cheek.

My head automatically turns towards his touch, and I can’t stop myself from admitting to him, “You weren’t the only one.”

That was all it took to produce a guttural moan from him and then I was back in his arms being kissed like I’ve never been. It’s nothing like the messy attempts from a teenager or the rushed, hurried, expectant ones of college students. It’s a long, slow seduction and I was drowning in it—in him.

His hands slipped under the hem of my top, slid up my back, and I crashed back into reality.

I pulled back mentally kicking myself for how easily I abandoned all common sense. I turned my head away from him unable to move away. No—unwilling to move away, from the circle of his arms.

Rafe’s fingers gently lifted my chin, tilting my head up until his gaze met mine, his eyes searching. I know he sees the desire echoed back to him, but I can’t do this. No matter how much my body says yes. My head and heart, say no. I can’t do this not like this, not now. Almost as though he could hear what’s running through my head, he pulled me closer, tucking my head up against his chest and simply held me.

Time slipped by. The late afternoon sky giving way to the first shadows of dusk, and I was still in his arms. Not moving. Not talking. I was just there. His heart beating in sync with mine, as if we’d known each other our entire lives instead of just two weeks.

I was content, and it dawned on me, this was the fairytale I’d been looking for all along. A quiet contentment to the crazy overbearing world outside the windows. A feeling of ease simply being with another person. A sense of protection and acceptance from them. It was everything I could ever want, especially on top of the desire I couldn’t deny.

Holy hell girl, you’re falling in love with him.

No, no, no, no, no, no,no, I can’t be. Icannotbe falling for him, but yet it’s so clear now. The instant attraction, the enjoyment of working together—it wasn’t because of getting Lemans out from under Diamonds. It was because I was spending time,alone, with Rafe.

Rafe felt the change in my demeanor and stepped back his eyes searching my face for answers, “What is it?”

“Nothing, I guess I’m just hungrier than I thought I was,” I lie, giving him a believable smile. The same one I would give anyone when I didn’t feel well—bright enough to stop any more questions but not quite as bright as my natural smile.

“Still feel like that pizza?” he asks with a lightly teasing note.

“Not so much. Why don’t I change, and we can try out the restaurant here?”

“I’ll make sure they have a table,” he agreed watching me walk out of the room. I know because I can feel his gaze following me and it takes more strength to get myself to open the door and close it behind me than I thought it would.

I want to rush back to him, wrap my arms around his waist, and feel his lips against mine, his hands on my skin. God, I want to know what it’s like to make love to him, I want…I want to stop feeling like this that’s what I want.

I amnotin the market for a relationship let alone one with the man whose company I work for now. I can just see the faces of the assistants back in New York if it came out that we nearly…

Ugh, no thought aboutthat, none. Got it girl? I don’t want people thinking I got my job by sleeping with the boss. Got a permanent position because I’m screwing him.

So you’re not going to sleep with him, after all you are still a…

Dang it, you caught me again, I’m a virgin. A twenty-three-year-old virgin who doesn’t know if I’m staying this way because it’s what I was taught growing up or if it’s because I’ve never been tempted. I mean part of me doesn’t mind the idea of staying a virgin until marriage but the other side of me knows how ridiculous that sounds, especially in this day and age of instant gratification.

So girl, I ask myself, checking my reflection in the mirror,what’s the plan?

I’ve always got one, so where is the one to get me out of this situation? It’s not like I can suddenly change personalities…or maybe I can. Maybe the answer is to be more like the Amelia from the club than my normal self.

If he’s not fond of strippers and strip clubs maybe it’ll get him to back off just enough so I can breathe again and kill off these feelings.

I guess the first thing would be to change clothes. My current outfit is a casually classic every day look. A navy blue scoop-neck, cap-sleeve blouse and knee-length skirt, appropriate enough for the office as well as dinner, but I also have a few pieces that although nowhere near as revealing as what I’d wear at the club were a bit sexier than workwear.

I unzip my skirt and step out, hanging it back up so it wouldn’t wrinkle, and grab the wrap dress I’d brought with me. It was a deep red which offset my medium ivory skin tone perfectly. The front dipped low revealing just enough cleavage to turn a man to mush and wish the tie would come undone, falling open letting them out to play. I cinch the belt at my waist adjusting the collar and settling the middle of the dip to rest just above the gore on my bra. Anyone taller than me could look down and see where it rested against my skin and if I lean over just right, the dress will reveal even more of it.

The skirt stops just under miniskirt length, and I slip into a pair of my five-inch heels. Again, why I brought them I don’t know but I did, and they finish the look. In less than five minutes I’d gone from being sweet and respectable office worker, to sexy seductress. Another layer of eye shadow, blush and mascara just deepen the sex appeal. The lip gloss the topping on the cake.

Wait, did I just compare myself to a cake? That is so wrong…and I’m so hungry.

I step out into the sitting room area of the suite and expect to see Rafe waiting for me but he’s not in it. Apparently he decided to change shirts I discover as I turn to look at the door to his room and see him without one on making me feel my pulse race.

Cool down girl or else you’re going to be so deep in it you’ll never crawl back out. A man like him is not going to want to settle down in a house raising the two point four kids with two dogs and a cat that you’ve always seen in the future.

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