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Fiona clucked with disgust. Interpreting that as approval, Gavin pushed himself through the crowd and spoke with his men. When he was finished, he returned to Fiona, took her hand once again and followed his nose to the area where food was being prepared.

He purchased a few meat pies, cheese, and fruit while Fiona waited at a wooden table set beneath a tree. Feeling a need for privacy, Gavin did not join her there, but instead continued walking, motioning for her to follow him.

“Is anything wrong?” Fiona asked in alarm.

“Nay. I’m just trying to steal a few moments alone with ye.”

A short while later they were walking down a sloping hill, nearing the lush valley below. The noise of the fair faded, then disappeared completely. They reached a field of yellow and lavender wildflowers and Fiona bent to pick some. When her hands were full, Gavin led her to a shady tree, bidding her to sit beneath it. He nestled beside her, taking in the peaceful view of the distant mountains and the sound of birds trilling in the treetops.

It was strange how this vast space felt so intimate. Perhaps because they were seated side by side? He liked the feel of Fiona’s legs brushing against his thighs, reveled in the clean smell of her hair and skin. It was a scent he never grew tired of, because it reminded him of her.

Fiona unpinned and removed her veil, allowing her hair to become loose in the gentle breeze. The curls floated freely around her face, a few of the longer locks cascading down her back. It warmed Gavin’s heart to see her looking so peaceful.

“Did ye enjoy the fair?” he asked.

“Well, ’twas very grand, unlike any other I have ever seen. The last time I attended a fair was five, nay six years ago. A band of tinkers was traveling through the village and Henry allowed them to stay overnight. He was not interested in seeing their wares, but I enjoyed the diversion. Spencer and Alice went with me. I remember we returned with our arms laden with goods.”

“I feel like a miser,” Gavin lamented. “I’ve bought ye nothing but a few bolts of cloth and some sewing needles and thread.”

She waved a dismissive hand. “’Tis what I asked for and I am heartily pleased to have received them.”

“I do have a wee token.” Gavin reached inside his tunic and pulled out a small bottle made of deep green glass. Placing it in the center of his palm, he held it out to Fiona. “The sparkling color reminded me of yer eyes.”

“I’ve never seen anything so fine,” Fiona exclaimed in a hushed voice.

Gavin lifted the vessel higher. Sunlight reflected off the delicate glass, illuminating the tree trunk with a glittering green color. “The bottle is but one part of the gift.” He removed the glass stopper and passed it beneath her nose.

Fiona’s chest expanded as she took a deep breath. “It smells like heaven,” she proclaimed.

“Aye, lass. It smells like ye. Irresistible heaven.”

To emphasize his words, he cupped a hand behind Fiona’s head and drew her forward. He kissed her temple, then her cheek, and lastly the sweet spot just below her ear.

A giggle bubbled up from her throat. She sounded as carefree as a young maiden. Gavin decided he liked the sound. He wanted to see more smiles, more serenity on her lovely face. He wanted to be the one to relieve the burdens she carried on her shoulders with such grace and dignity, to set to rights the wrongs she had endured.

Being around Fiona made him feel like more of a man, more of a protector, a leader. ’Twas strange, considering the emotions she evoked inside his heart. Many men he knew loudly proclaimed that loving a woman made you weak, foolish. But loving Fiona had the opposite effect on him.

Fiona carefully tucked the bottle of perfume in the pocket of her gown while Gavin arranged their simple meal. He unwrapped the linen cloth of meat pies, cheese, and fruit he had bought, then using the cloth as a blanket, laid out the food upon it.

They dug into the meat pies first, then grabbing his small-bladed eating knife, Gavin cut the pear and passed Fiona a slice. She took it with a smile, the sweet juices running down her fingers. She was dainty, but not delicate when she ate, and Gavin enjoyed the earthy sensuality of watching her savor every bite. The sight of her lips closing around the succulent fruit with such enthusiasm was an almost erotic experience.

Desire raced through his blood like a rampant fever. Her every movement, no matter how mundane, seemed to reach out and beckon to him. He pulled in a heavy breath and looked away. He was a man of experience, not a raw lad lusting after his first wench. Where did she get the power to reduce him to such a randy fool? To fluster him as though he were a blushing maiden?

Gavin stretched out on his side, one hand holding up his head, the other resting on the curve of her hip. He lowered his lids and cast her a bold, suggestive glance, hoping for a similar reaction. Awareness crackled in the air between them.

Yet Fiona pretended not to notice, inspected the palm of her hand with great interest, though she would have to be blind as a bat not to see the evidence of his desire. Gavin tried to hide his disappointment as Fiona busied herself clearing the remains of their repast. His ploy hadn’t worked. She had clearly gotten his message, yet preferred to ignore it.

She crumbled the uneaten crust of the meat pie and tossed it on the grass. “For the birds,” she explained when Gavin raised his brows.

“Ye’re too tenderhearted,” he quipped.

“Hardly a fault.” Fiona’s lips rose into a wavy smile as she leaned down and placed her palms on the sleek muscles of his shoulders. Their eyes met. Gavin felt his body harden, felt the temptation.

“If you are going to ravish me, my lord, you’d best get started while we still have daylight.”

Gavin’s features contorted into confusion and Fiona’s smile widened. She liked that she could surprise him, could catch him off guard. It gave her a feeling of control, a sense that she had an equal part in their relationship.

Fiona pressed herself closer, draping her body across Gavin’s. They were face-to-face, chins nearly touching. He leaned back on his elbows to give her greater access, blinking against the glare of sunlight that fell over his eyes from that prone position.

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