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“Come and soak yer cold bones, James. Though I confess I could stay in here fer hours,’tis past time that ye took yer ease.”

He moved into the shaft of light near the pool and for a moment all Davina could do was stare. Hands on his hips, James stood dressed only in his brais, which were molded to his legs like a second skin. Glistening with moisture, his naked chest was all hard muscle and sinew strength. A sight of pure perfection, in spite of the scars that marred his side and shoulder.

“Are ye getting out?” he asked.

She swallowed hard. Then nodded, not trusting her voice.

“Here. It’s not much, but it will keep ye covered until yer clothes dry.”

She pulled herself out of the water and took the molted fur he offered with a nod of thanks, wrapping it around her shoulders. It was not very clean and smelled of the earth, but Davina didn’t care. “Come, snuggle inside with me, James.”

His brow rose. “Are ye trying to seduce me, lass?”

A small, nervous laugh bubbled from her chest. “I’m certain I look a fright. Ye would be a desperate man indeed to find me attractive in this state.”

“I’m confident we are hidden from our mysterious foes, but ’tis best not to be distracted.”

She nodded in agreement. Yet unable to stop herself, Davina put her fingers on his chest, needing to feel his solid strength. It calmed her, yet also intrigued. Of their own volition, her fingers glided sensually over his chest, swirling through the crisp hairs, glancing over the firm nipples.

He gasped, touching her hair, smoothing it behind her ear, then brushed his lips against her earlobe. She squirmed at the sensation, lifting herself toward him.

“There is a tempest that rules me whenever I’m near ye, Davina. The need to hold ye, to kiss and caress ye drives me wild.”

Davina licked her lips. “I dinnae mean to be the cause of so much turmoil, good sir.”

“Ye relish it.” Though his tone was light and mocking, his eyes were solemn. “Before we jumped into the loch, ye said that ye loved me. If that’s true, why did ye leave my bed?”

“I’m sorry,” she said, placing her hand upon his cheek. “I left because I dinnae want ye to feel obligated toward me.”

To her relief, the tightness in his jaw eased. He framed her face with his hands, brushing his lips softly against her. “Best be warned, the only woman I’ll be taking to my bed from this day forward is my wife. So if ye want me, ye’ll have to marry me.”

She curled against his chest, hearing his heart thumping wildly. “Ye said last night that ye couldn’t promise me marriage.”

“I lied.”

“Did ye lie about anything else?”

“I dinnae recall much of what I said. My mind—and body—were too overcome to remember more than the sensations we shared. The pleasure, of course, but it was so much more. It wasright, Davina, the joy of it all, taking possession of ye, filling ye with my seed. ’Tis what I want fer the rest of my life and I can only hope and pray that ye feel the same.”

She felt the tears sting her eyes and she hugged him tightly. “I do, James. I do feel the same.”

He threaded his fingers through her damp hair and held her closer to his heart. “’Tis decided. The first thing we’ll do after we get out of this cave is find a priest!”

Chapter Sixteen

The sound of a single scream woke him. A piercing, painful cry so filled with anguish that it chilled his very soul. Heart racing, James reached for his sword and sprang to his feet. His eyes searched the dim light that surrounded them, but found no one. Rising, he moved toward the opening of the cave, but saw no movement in the second, smaller chamber.

James swung back around at the sound of another moan of pain and saw Davina sitting upright, her body rigid, her face staring into the darkness. Her breath came in short, bursting pants, mingled with soft, muted moans of fear and distress.

“Davina!” He rushed to her side to offer comfort, but when he drew near, she struck out, flaying wildly at his chest, nearly striking him on the jaw.

“Dinnae touch me!” she cried, fighting harder.

He reached for her hands and she again pulled away. Her eyes were wide open, but James realized that she did not see him. Nay, she was trapped in the grip of a nightmare, unaware of him, unaware of anything.

He caught her wrists. “’Tis a dream, Davina. A wicked nightmare. Ye are in no danger. Open yer eyes.”

She shuddered, shaking her head. He continued speaking to her in a low tone and she finally blinked, her eyes focusing on him. “James?”

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