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“I’m fine.” She studied him and felt a twinge of annoyance at his apparent ease. She had barely slept last night, her mind filled with the feel and taste of his kisses, her heart puzzled over what they could mean. “And how do ye fare on this cold morning?”

“The same.” He stepped over a wide row of herbs to stand at her side. She moved back, her feet wobbling on the uneven ground. His hand shot out to keep her steady. She gasped at the sudden contact and pulled back.

He frowned. “I regret that I frightened ye last night.”

“Ye dinnae frighten me, James,” she admitted, averting her gaze. “I frightened myself.”

“I dinnae understand.”

She gazed up at him and immediately wished she had not. There was a trace of wistfulness on his face that tore right through her heart. “Last night was a momentary lapse in judgment,” she declared. “It willnae happen again.”

James’s expression hardened. “Why not?”

“’Tis unseemly.”

His body turned rigid. Davina braced herself for his anger, but it never came. “Ye liked my kisses,” he insisted in a silky tone.

“Aye.” Now it was her turn to sound wistful. “Fer a moment, a single, blissful moment, I was a young lass in love again.” She shook away the memory and stared at him with a hard-fought calm. “But the moment passed.”

“Ye cannae forgive me,” he said bitterly, pushing his hand through his hair.

“Fer the kisses?”

“Fer the past.” He turned away, but not before she saw the wild emotions clouding his eyes. “I failed to protect ye, to keep ye safe.”

“Against six attackers? ’Twas only because of yer bravery and skill either of us survived.”

“I shamed and dishonored myself and my clan.”

The sight of his suffering brought on a rush of emotions. “Is that why ye left the Highlands?”

“I needed to atone fer my failings.” His voice darkened. “Joining the Crusades was the path I chose.”

“Did it help?”

“Fer a time.”

She looked away, her gaze resting sightlessly on the horizon. “I wish that I could give ye ease from this unfounded guilt.”

“Knowing that ye don’t blame me offers me some measure of comfort.”

She turned back. She could see his chest rising and falling with each breath, a clear sign of his agitation. “Neither of us came away from that day unscathed.”

His eyes gleamed with speculation. “I’ve noticed that ye often pull away whenever a man comes near. Though ye seem to overcome this skittish behavior admirably whenever ye are with Malcolm.”

“Being away from my home has forced me to face my fears and slowly overcome them. Malcolm has been kind and patient. I’m comfortable around him.”

He slanted her a glance as he helped her over a small mound of hard, packed dirt. “What about me?”

“Ye unsettle me far more than he ever could.”

James grinned suddenly, and she realized her answer pleased him.

“Ye should be wearing gloves,” he admonished, touching her hand. “Yer fingers feel like ice.”

“I dinnae plan to be out here very long. I was searching fer some rosemary to add to the sachets I’m making fer yer mother. She’s been very kind and I wanted to thank her.”

James took her hand and placed it between both of his, warming it. ’Twas a pleasant, comforting sensation, until he began moving his hand. He stroked down her fingertips to her palm with a light, sensual touch. Shivers rippled through her. Gasping, Davina snapped her hand away.

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