Page 33 of Velka Manor

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Bastian sends me a wink, smacking his lips together. “To get all of her flavour off you, I most definitely had to lick them like that.”

He rushes over to me, grabbing my hand, making me spin in a circle. “Pretty girl, you look absolutely goddamn breathtaking. You’re never allowed to wear anything else again.” He stops spinning me, pursing his lips. “Although it would be better in white. The blood would have looked fantastic on it if it was white.”

I shake my head from the dizziness of his spin—and because Bastian is in a suit. “You’re in a suit?” I say, stating the obvious, but he never wears one.

“Thought the occasion called for it. How do I look?”

He holds out his arms and spins in a circle of his own, posing with his hands on his hips at the end. He acts all silly, but I can see the strain in his smile, the twitch of his fingers as he tries not to fuss.

I step into his space, grabbing his black tie and pulling him down. “You look so fucking handsome,” I say, and he smiles, but it’s a lackluster one. “I still prefer you in jeans and a t-shirt, though—or nothing at all.”

I wink, flicking my tongue out, licking his lips. His grin gets bigger, and he lifts me in the air, forcing my legs around his waist. “You’re right. After today, I’ll leave the snobby outfits to our snooty big brother. I’ll change right after the kill feast.”

“I amnotsnooty,” Dorian scoffs, raising his nose in the air looking awfully snooty, and I would have laughed if I wasn’t for the fact Bastian mentioned a kill feast.

“Is he not dead yet? I thought you killed him?”

At least that was what I assumed while I was getting ready, since they said we were attending his funeral. They never said he was dead, but how else was I supposed to take that?

“He will be,” Dorian says, placing a knife in my hand as Bastian places my feet on the ground. “As soon as you run the blade through his heart.”

“Or his skull, whichever you prefer. I myself would go for the eyes first,” Bastian says.

They move me to face the mirror, standing behind me. Dorian picks something out from his suit pocket before his arms come around my head, placing a black lace masquerade mask over my eyes while Bastian sets a black metal tiara on my head, metal feathers woven through the design.

“Is my dark angel ready to hunt down a monster?” Dorian asks. “We thought about you killing him in your old room, but Bastian convinced me a hunt would be much more fun.”

I rear back at him calling me a dark angel. The demons call me a dark angel, and maybe it’s time to live up to that name—and who better to start with than our father?

A grin pulls at my lips, and I grip the handle of the knife tight, gazing at Bastian and Dorian in the mirror and finding their matching grins.

“Welcome to fright night, pretty girl. It’s gonna be one hell of a game.”



Bastian and Dorian had Ghost unchain Father, pretending to be freeing him. He told him the only way out was through the west dungeons because all the doors and windows were locked, and I’m not sure whether to let him get there.

As I walk through the halls of the castle, I let every bit of anger and hatred course through my veins. I remember each time he beat me, every time he ignored me, all the pain he put us through, sending me away and letting me rot in that awful academy. It builds and builds until I’m shaking with rage with nothing to quench my bloodthirsty need for revenge.

Dorian and Bastian stalk the halls at my side, our footsteps silent. I’m the only one in a mask; I feel like I’m in one of my nightmares, except this time, I’m the demon.

A moan of pain grabs our attention, and we all halt as one as Dorian lifts his chin toward the stairs to the dungeons. He got there faster than I thought he would in his condition. The need to survive is a funny thing.

We descend the stairs, and I decide it’s time to make our presence known with a little song he used to make one of my nannies sing when I was due for a punishment.

“If you go down to the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise.”

My voice comes out as an eerie tinkle, bouncing off the walls, echoing in the dungeon, making it even creepier.

“If you go down in the woods today, you’d better go in disguise.”

We hear a moan of panic and a rattling of bars. All three of us grin, and I keep singing, moving deeper and deeper into the dark.

“For every bear there ever was,

will gather there for certain because,

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