Page 6 of Without Fail

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“What are you two up to?” Jennifer took the tissue Christian handed her and dabbed at her eyes.

“We are going clubbing.”

“I’ll send Cohen a text,” Syn said, pulling his phone out.

“Wanna go?” Ryker asked Jennifer.

“Hell yes, but we have to pick up Paige.”

Paige and Cohen were from their small group of university friends. There were eight of them in total, but mostly, it was just the five of them.

“I should probably give Hailey a call,” Ryker said and Jennifer made a face.

“Must you?” She plucked at the black cape covering his sparkling shirt. “You’re not married yet.”

“She’s nice.”

“I supposed…as forced fiancés go.”

“She’s getting pressure from her family just as much as I am,” Ryker said. “You’re lucky your parents aren’t like mine.”

Jennifer sighed and slipped from his lap. “I know you’re bi, but you’ve always preferred men.”

Ryker smiled and was stopped from responding when Syn pulled him from the chair, tossed the cape aside, and nodded toward the front door.

Stepping away from the chair, Ryker grabbed Jennifer’s hand and spun her around. Her laughter filled the salon, making him smile, and he did a little jig. He hadn’t been this excited in a long damned time.

“Let’s get going,” Syn said with a laugh.

“Will you be okay?” Christian asked Ryker, following them to the entrance.

“We won’t let anything happen to him,” Syn assured Christian.

The slender stylist hugged Syn first, then Jennifer, and then a gentle hug for Ryker before sniffling and backing away.

“Be safe on the roads! I almost lost you both,” Christian bitched at him and Syn.

“We will,” Ryker assured his friend.

They exited the store, and there waiting on the sidewalk was Syn’s bodyguard, Mateo. Next to Mateo stood Brandon and Chad, still with him after all these years.

A sexy-looking stranger stood in the group of bodyguards and Ryker glanced at Jennifer. “Who’s the hunk?” he whispered.

“That’s Cliff…assigned by my father,” she whispered back.

What wasn’t waiting there were reporters. He wasn’t sure how Syn had managed to get rid of all of the paparazzi, but not a single reporter had been around when they’d left his estate nor here at the salon.

Syn was part of the Brick family empire, and that family had an unbelievable amount of wealth and power. While his own Langston family had money and influence, they were nowhere near the scope of the Bricks.

It paid to have friends in high places when life took a turn for the worse.

He stopped on the sidewalk outside of the hair salon and lifted his face up to the late afternoon sunlight. Jennifer slipped an arm around his waist and waited.

November in Denver was damned snowy and chilly, but sometimes the sun came out and today was one of those rare times. Its rays glinted off the snow from the night before and the cold bit into his face.

It had been so many months since the accident that had changed his life forever and today for the first time, surrounded by his friends, he felt like there was hope.

Syn tucked him and Jennifer into the back of the black town car before walking around and climbing in on the other side.

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