Page 42 of Without Fail

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He would have spoken if he had had the energy, but right then, all he wanted was sleep.

He’d always known that Marshal would be the love of his life and when the man’s arms tightened possessively, Ryker smiled, gave a soft sigh, and sank into sleep.

Marshal gazed across the darkened room only made so by the blackout curtains.

Sleep wasn’t coming quickly for him even though he felt more relaxed than he’d felt in a long time.

His mind wouldn’t shut the hell up.

December cold crept through the room and the cottage’s central heating kicked in with a slight hum. He pulled the comforter up over them and cocooned himself with Ryker, wanting nothing more than to shut out the world.

Ryker came awake in increments, wanting to shut out the noise, the world, and continue laying in Marshal’s arms.

They still had a long way to go, but after last night, he was hopeful.

First order of business and call him vain for it, but he was going to return the call from the plastic surgeon about his scars. He’d put it off because it hadn’t mattered to him what he looked like.


Well, he wanted to look his best for the man he loved. The man he’d always loved.

Marshal was one of a handful of people in the world that he truly trusted. And none of the small, tight circle of people were his family. Sure, he loved his mom and always would, but he didn’t trust her with his secrets because she deferred to his father too much.

And his father? No. He didn’t trust him much at all. After all, who would sell their son? Selling him might not be an accurate description of his engagement with Hailey, but with the deal between Hailey’s father and his, he might as well have been sold. He wondered if Hailey felt the same way.


Marshal’s arms tightened around him and Ryker carded his fingers gently through the man’s sleep tousled hair.

Thinking of Hailey reminded him that he needed to speak with his father and soon.

This was his life, damn it, and he wasn’t marrying just because he’d been told.

“You’re thinking pretty hard.”

The gruff, sleep-filled voice sent shivers down his spine and visions of last night made his cock go hard.

“Mmm,” he agreed.

“Care to share?” Marshal reached up and caught the back of his neck to draw him down for a good morning kiss.

He chuckled softly into the kiss and ran his hands over Marshal’s chest, plucking at his nipples. The man’s quick inhalation was the only warning before he was flipped onto his back right where he wanted to be.

Hovering above Ryker, Marshal gazed into the man’s bright blue eyes.

He wouldn’t call it lucky to have this man in his arms, because he didn’t believe in luck. But when his lies came out and there was hell to pay, he hoped—if there was such a thing—that luck would be on his side.

And if dreams really did come true, he and Ryker had a long life together ahead of them.

He wanted to go slow and draw making love out, but Ryker slipped a hand down his stomach and gripped his cock.

The man’s touch drove him wild and when hands tugged him down, he crushed his mouth to Ryker’s throat and sucked up a mark. Ryker moaned and undulated against him and pushed at him.

Curious, he lifted up and Ryker wiggled from beneath him to push him onto his back. Marshal went willingly, watching the slender redhead devour him with a heated gaze.

“Oh fuuuuck.” Marshal breathed long and low when Ryker dipped his head and mouthed the head of his cock.

His whole body tightened and he fisted the sheets. It took all the control he had not to grab Ryker, flip him over, and fuck him until dusk.

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