Page 36 of Sweet

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Right as I’m starting to think my long-held Bailey fantasy may become a reality, he pulls away from me. Not all the way—more specifically, shifting his lower half out of reach when I cup his gorgeous ass. Kinda heartbreaking, since I’ve wanted nothing more than to grab a handful for months, but I can adapt. My fingertips brush around his hip toward the front, before I curve my hand between his legs. He enjoys that for only a few seconds before pulling away entirely this time, breaking our kiss in the process.

“I’m sorry.” I really don’t know what else to say when he went from almost in my lap to backing so far away that I can’t reach him.

“It’s… okay.” He pauses and takes a deep breath.

And I really don’t get it, since he sounds like he’s trying to calm down more than anything. “Did I… should I not have done that?”

“I’d prefer it if you didn’t.”

Well, then.

And yet, when Bailey moves again, it’s not to open the door and leave. He scoots back over to me, grasping my face and kissing me once again with a soft sigh. Which I absolutely will not complain about, only I’m suddenly at a loss for where to put my hands. Not only that, I’m so hard I’m desperate for any sortof release and he’s very obviously into this, too. I don’t get it. Maybe I’m not meant to.

Bailey’s fingers drift down to curl towards the band of my jeans, tugging at the button, then the zipper, before sliding his hand inside the small space. Just his hand on my skin is enough to get me to gasp against his lips, then he frees my cock and slowly strokes—enough to feel good without providing any relief. Maybe he anticipates me wanting to return the gesture, since he throws himself backward again after the slightest move from me.

I take a deep breath, but I do not complain. Bailey must expect me to demonstrate a level of self-control I simply don’t possess. I try to remind myself this is the guy I’ve fixated on for what feels like forever. With anyone else, I won’t indulge any hesitancy. I can dig deep and manifest patience for him.

So, imagine my surprise when I hear his belt tinkling while he fumbles in the dark. Even though I can barely see, his breathing changes and I know he’s touching himself. He squirms back over to me, his hand still in his pants when he kisses me. I fist my cock, steadily moving faster out of sheer desperation. It’s not long before I’m thinking about how, realistically, it shouldn’t be that difficult for me to rip his jeans the rest of the way down his legs or to turn him around so I can start thrusting into him until I make him whimper.

When Bailey starts to move away, I hurriedly pull him back toward me rather than let him panic again. Instead of pushing back, he flattens himself down so his head’s above my lap and then my cock’s in his mouth. Suddenly, this has gotten so much better than I hoped. He hums with pleasure when I sink my hand into his loose curls—just long enough for me to grab onto and therefore the perfect length.

That patience I manifested disappears. With a firm grip on his head, I thrust so hard he gags, and then I keep going. His face feels wet against my skin, and I’d give anything to stare into hiswatery eyes at this moment, were it not for the dark. At the very least, I can listen. The more I slam my hips forward and force myself farther back into his throat, the louder Bailey whines. Until his back arches while he’s still got my cock in his mouth and his whole mouth vibrates. Hearing his pleasure tips me over the edge, and he gulps every last drop down before slowly rising again. His nose brushes near mine before he leans forward and rolls his tongue in my mouth. Not at all my kink, even in the slightest. But the smirk on his lips when he kisses me reignites that same mental record skip of his name. Bailey’s in my car. Bailey’s kissing me with the faint taste of my cum still in his mouth. Right after Bailey got off from sucking my cock.Bailey, Bailey, Bailey.

He pulls away, for what really is the final time this evening, shifting his jeans around and closing his belt. Then he moves to lift my hoodie over his head.

“Keep it for now. It’s cold out there,” I say to him.

“Are… you sure?”

“I have another. Besides, you can give it back to me tomorrow at the farmer’s market if you really want.”

“What if I can’t get there?” With a haughty smirk, he pulls the bottom hem back down over his wet stomach. Fuck, I’d love to pin him down and taste him.

“I’ll give you a ride if you need one.”

“Yeah? What would Jess say about that?”

Before I can say it’s not his call, I realize he must mean because I’m supposed to behelpingJess. Doing my actual job. Not giving out rides.

“He’d say I’m the nicest guy he knows for helping you load your stuff in my car and handing you the keys so you can get yourself there. So long as you drop me off at the farm first, of course.”

Bailey snorts a laugh. “You’re sweet.”

And don’t I know it.

“I got a beater for emergencies, so you’re off the hook.” Bailey sighs once more before looking at me. “I guess I’ll… see you tomorrow.”

After Bailey gets out, I put the car back in drive and turn to head back toward my place. My headlights briefly illuminate him, standing by the side of the road and watching—waiting—for me to leave before he heads toward his house. Considering what just happened between us, I don’t take it personally.

Chapter fifteen


Horny. Not something I’m accustomed to, but there’s no denying that feeling. Now, it’s not as if Ineverget aroused. It’s more like most people get excited thinking about sex and then they want… sex. Me, not so much. Sex has always been my foreplay, the lead up to the main event. Because when I’m horny, I’m not thinking about sex. And when I see someone who has that effect on me, I’m not imagining their expression while getting fucked, but the look on their face when I strangle them. Don’t worry, I’m well aware that’s not normal and I’ve come to terms with it.

The very first time I saw Will, he instantly elicited that response from me. All I could think about when gazing into his eyes was my version of the throes of passion: basically someone fighting for their life. Luckily for him, I always go out of my way to find people I don’t know. After hovering around him for as long as I have, I’ve never made a move.

After unintentionally picking him as my next target online, I should only be wanting that evenmoreeach time I see him. Idon’t. Actually, I find myself thinking of it less and less with each interaction. I mean, the urge is still very much there, but… he just may be the first and only person who can reliably get mesexuallyaroused. The intensity of the urge has begun shifting to a different focus around him and, like a greedy puppy, I only wantmore.

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