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Because I wanted to, because I could, I rolled up onto the balls of my feet, flung my arms around him and kissed him full on the mouth. The whistles and claps finally broke through the static in my ears from the kiss, and we were both smiling when we pulled back. “Give me five minutes, and I’ll be ready to go.”

He tilted his head, regarding me with a banked heat that had my heart turning over in my chest. “Is one ever ready to tell your best friend you’re sleeping with his little sister and plan to do it for the rest of your life?”

I hummed thoughtfully. “Probably not.”

Jax sighed. “That’s kinda what I thought.”

Chapter 34


Somehow, approaching my best friend’s house for this visit was no less nerve-wracking. Less scary in some ways and more in others.

I’d expected his disappointment before. And now … I wasn’t quite sure how he would react. All I did know was that the woman sitting beside me was worth it.

Worth everything.

Poppy’s hand was firmly clasped in mine, and she sat in the passenger seat of the truck, a content smile on her face as we drove down the curved driveway past her mom’s house and back toward Cameron’s.

Both Cameron and Ivy’s vehicles were there, and Poppy gave my hand a tiny squeeze.

“Just make sure you knock really loudly,” she said.

Looking over at her, I quirked an eyebrow. “Why’s that?”

“Walked in on them once.”

I winced. “When?”

“It was before this,” she answered, gesturing vaguely at her stomach. “I saw my brother’s ass, and I swear, if there has been anything in my life that mightwarrant therapy, it was that.”

“Noted,” I said, fighting a grin.

Through the massive windows framing the front of his home, there was movement in the family room as I parked behind Cameron’s truck, and I exhaled long and slow as the front door opened and the two of them came out onto the front deck, also hand in hand.

Poppy unhooked her seat belt and gave me an impish smile. “Do you know how hard it is not to kiss you right now and let that be their sign?”

I hummed, eyes locked on her soft lips. “Don’t tempt me.”

The air hummed too, something thick and delicious building between us. She blinked dazedly. “Goodness,” she whispered. “This has to ease up sometime, right?”

Since they couldn’t see my hand, I eased it from hers and slid it down the firm skin of her thigh, my fingertips spreading wide until my pinky brushed underneath the hem of her dress. She exhaled a shaky laugh.

“Don’t count on it, angel,” I whispered. “Hold that thought until we’re gone, yeah?”

Poppy’s throat worked on a swallow, and she managed a jerky nod. “Top of my list.”

I held her gaze and curled my pinky along the edge of her underwear. “Is it?”

“Yup. Do Jax Cartwright.” Her eyes glowed. “Code red on the color scale.”

I was still chuckling as we exited the truck, and Cameron watched me with a thoughtful expression on his face. Ivy was tucked into his side, her arm wrapped around his back.

“Wasn’t expecting any visitors,” he said, smiling curiously at his sister as she shut the truck door.

“Imagine how happy I am that you’re fully clothed,” she said.

He rolled his eyes. “That was one time, Pops.”

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