Page 20 of The Best of All

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She grinned. “Always yours, my dear.”

I laid my arm on the counter and dropped my head down. “He wants nothing to do with Mira. Said he’d send a check every month.”

Rosa ran her hands through my hair. “Maybe that’s a good thing, if you two really don’t get along.”

I turned my head until I could see her face. “But I’m not the one who made all these decisions. Chris and Amie did. They worked on this trust for weeks, maybe more. And isn’t it my job to respect their wishes? They’re entrusting me with their daughter. I can’t ignore the fact that they wanted this other person to be part of the picture as Mira gets older.”

“Give him time,” she said. “Maybe he’ll change his mind.”

“You know what bugs me the most?”

She arched an eyebrow. “That he was right about Charles?”

“No.” I stopped. “Well, yes. But besides that.” I sat up and stared across my kitchen at the photo of me and Amie stuck to the fridge with a Denver magnet. “That she didn’t tell me. She knows he drives me crazy.”

Rosa’s hand squeezed mine.

“Knew,”I corrected. My throat was stiff and swollen, ratcheted tight with tears that desperately wanted to escape and emotions that I’d done my best to keep in check. “She knew. And I can’t understand why they chose him. What kind of selfish person just tosses a check at a situation like this and walks away?”

“I wish she’d told you too, honey. I think she would have.”


If she’d had time.

In the family room, Mira giggled at the chicken, and my heart clenched in my chest.

A tear spilled over my cheek. “I miss my friend,” I whispered.

“I know you do.” Rosa turned on her stool. “Hug or no hug?”

A watery laugh escaped my lips. “Hug.”

The tears came faster once Rosa folded me into her strong embrace.

Chapter Five


“Let’s get a fucking move on, shall we?” I yelled. “The defensive line won’t fix itself, assholes.”

There were a few grumbles on the field, and our defensive line coach gave me a nod when the O-line started moving a bit quicker on the next play.

“Oy! Watch for the blitz,” I called to the center. “Don’t act like you can’t see him back there, McCaffrey.”

The player in question straightened, his hands going to his hips. “You our coach now, Davies? Because last I checked, you’re supposed to be lining up against us, old man.”

I fought a smile when the guys around him hooted and yelled. “I’ll line up when you prove you can block worth a shit. My mum can do a better job at stopping the run.”

He flipped me his middle finger. “Yourmumdidn’t have many complaints last night.”

If I’d thought he was being remotely serious, I would’ve tackled his ass right there, even if he outweighed me by fifty pounds, but I rolled my eyes and whistled for them to start the play from the top.

My defensive coordinator came over and stood shoulder to shoulder with me while we watched it unfold.

“Better,” he said. The defense managed to interrupt the run, keeping him to only a couple of yards before they brought him down. “But we still need someone stronger on the left side.”

Where Chris used to play.

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