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Knight arched a brow but prepped everythinganyway. “Where do you want it?”

I wanted it visible and ran my finger alongthe space between his thumb and forefinger. “I want it here.”

Knight looked at Tomás and then at me. “He’snot consenting.”

Wren grabbed Tomás head and forced a nod. “Iconsent,” he said in a ridiculous Tomás accent which still soundedlike Tony Montana from that drug movie.

“You’re an idiot,” I deadpanned. “And if youtouch him again, I’m going to break your wrist.”

Wren gently released him.

The tattoo only took twenty minutes tocomplete. It was small, and precise. I paid Knight and he slammedthe door at our backs.

Wren shook his head. “Fox is going to goballistic.”

“No, he won’t,” I said with littlefaith.

Fox went ballistic.

“Are you serious!” Fox roared after wesettled inside the cabin. River had quickly taken Tomás to a roomto tend to his wounds. Wren remained with Fox and me, probably toact like some sort of referee. I’d never seen my best friend comeundone as he did that very moment. “He could be a snitch. Use thatinformation against us!”

And he had every reason to be concerned. I’dfucked up. Tomás had been a beautiful threat ever since I laid eyeson him. Had I been thinking straight, I would’ve let Jack kill him.Thinking about Tomás dying … I couldn’t breathe. I’d never everwanted anything more than I wanted Tomás breathing. Fuck that. Ideserved to keep my toy for as long as I wanted him. Iearnedthat right. And when it came time to end him, it’d beby my hand. No one else.

Something must’ve registered on myexpression because even Fox snapped his mouth closed, grinding histeeth.

“He has my mark and no one,” I said, puttingas much deadly violence in my voice, “I mean no one is going totouch him. Tell me you understand.”

“I understand,” Fox gritted out. “Loud andfucking clear.”

Chapter Twenty-Six


I blinked open my eyes but couldn’t move.Disoriented, I picked apart the pieces that slowly surfaced intomemory.

The club.

The drinks.



Jack dead.

For a moment I stayed as still as I could.Maybe, if I didn’t move, I wouldn’t exist. Maybe, they’d forget me.But I couldn’t stay still. That had always been my problem. Oncethe memories cleared, all I had were the rushing wave after wave ofthoughts crushing me. And when I moved, pain crushed me too.

I’d been so stupid to trust Jack. Kieran hadwarned me. Like an idiot, always the fucking idiot, I hadn’tlistened. My dumb ass thought I could reason with Jack. That Icould … I don’t know, make him believe my bullshit.

When he pulled that trigger I thought I wasdead. I wasn’t sure what Fate was saying by keeping me alive. But Icouldn’t get what Jack said out of my head. Maddox had destroyedhis life, killed his father too, and then what? Tried helping? Theman was insane!

And then like the angel of death, Kierankilled him. I hadn’t been able to see clearly. My vision blurredfrom the concussion, the shadows swarming around us, but what Ididn’t see, my imagination filled in.

The knife entering Jack’s throat soexpertly. And the blood.

And all I could think of was that Kieran haddone this before. He’d killed before. All the threats he’d made tome over the months suddenly felt more real. And I had to questionmy existence.Why am I alive? Why haven’t they killed me? Whatwere they hiding? Where had Maddox dumped me?At least in thehood, we fought for respect, family, land area that didn’t legallybelong to us. We fought forsomething. Our enemies clearlyidentified—the cops, rival gangs—not hidden behind friendships andsmiles.

I heard muffled voices through the door. ButI had no clue where I was. I’d fallen asleep in the Jeep andcouldn’t remember shit. I sat up with a groan, pain all over.Thirsty as hell, I made it to the ensuite bathroom. I turned on thesink faucet and cupped water in my palm and slurped until I feltsated. My eyes cleared and so did my brain. I lifted my hand to seea clear tape over a new tattoo on my hand, between thumb andforefinger. Seven dots connected by a dotted line that looked like…

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