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Wren clapped, startling me as he shot to hisfeet. “Now, let’s go party!”

“Yeah, we’re not staying for this one,” Johnsaid. “We’re actually getting out of Dodge tonight.”

Wren made a face. “Aw, why?”

“We party with the big boys now,” John said.“Y’all still itty, bitty babies.”

That led to a John beat down by River andWren. Rumor got involved too, the laughter touched his eyes makinghim look less severe. Eventually, everyone got hauled into it. Thelaughter in the house always felt like … home.

After Tor reined in the horseplay, theyleft.

The Halloween bash was set up at the oldBrennan Hall, where we always had our events. It was big enough andthe teachers and staff didn’t care much about the state we’d leaveit in considering it’d be torn down soon.

None of the guys had costumes, not evenWren. And we had to drag Henry out to this one. A dark spot insideof me thought it may be our last, considering what we intended todo. I replayed the plan in my head. Nothing could be tracked backto us. We’d filtered our money through subsidiaries of subsidiariesoverseas and using the names and social security numbers of peoplemurdered by our families. The bodies no one ever found or reportedmissing. They were ghosts.

“Stop thinking and enjoy yourself,” Foxsaid. “It’s done. All we have to do is wait.”

I hated waiting.

“Get laid tonight, Kieran. Do what you haveto do to get Tomás out of your system.”

The bathroom scene rushed through mymemories. The way he touched me. And I let him. I wanted Tomás inmy system, that was the problem. And that put me in a bad mood.Before I could counter with a fuck you, he walked into the hall. Ifollowed behind him. Get laid. Get fucking laid. If he only knew. Iheaded to the bar where black leather body suits and blonde hairwere aplenty. Blondes didn’t do it for me. But give me dark hair,with dark eyes, and an athletic build, and yeah. Shit. I needed adrink.

A blonde, wearing a slim fitting leatherjacket, leather pants as a second skin, and black boots was leaningover the counter. A leather belt around her waist fell almost tothe floor behind her like a tail. And she had a nice ass.

I cupped her waist trying to get between herand a poorly disfigured Spiderman so I could order my drink.“Excuse me, sweetheart,” I said to the blonde.

She stiffened under my touch and shiftedaway from me. Since she was leaning over, I hadn’t realized exactlyhow tall she was until she straightened. Taller than me with ablonde wig, cat ears, a bell at her throat. A black mask rimmedaround dark eyes. Familiar dark eyes. I knew my mistake the instantmy dick hardened.

Tomás. He smiled. One of his front teethslightly overlapped the other, and I found that endearing. Irealized I still had my hand on his hip and quickly pulled it awayas if I were burned.

“You see something you like,sweetheart?” The deep, gravelly voice went straight to mycock.

I wanted to punch his perfect face becauseof it, but I schooled my expression when I noticed his eyes. Pupilsdilated. He either was high already, or horny. A genuine smilewarmed his face. I tapped the bell at his throat. It jingled. “Youhave a pretty face,” I said, feeling the evil in me rise to thesurface and not giving a fuck. I preferred his anger to histeasing. “So pretty I thought you were a girl.”

He grinned but his eyes flared with a hintof anger behind his mask, then he leaned into me, too close, hislips at my ear. “But you’re not into girls, are you,” he whispered.His cheek grazed mine as he pulled back, so close. The drive to cupthe back of his neck and bite that fucking mouth of his almostoverwhelmed me. But he kept moving away from me, knowing what hedid to me. He lifted his drink in a toast and shot it back. In thatmoment, my eyes grazed his throat and I wanted to suck that Adam’sapple. He licked his lips sucking in a drop of liquor. He had nicelips too. Just then, a ladybug came barreling between us.

“Isn’t he so cute!” she squealed, cupped hisface, and kissed him. Full on the mouth. With tongue. I couldn’tmove as I watched how he’d closed his eyes, cupped her hips, movedhis mouth against hers. Something dark and dangerous lifted insideof me. I’d never killed or hurt a girl before, but there was alwaysa first time.

The kiss ended, and he opened his eyes to mewith a grin as if he were a conqueror. Fuck him. The girl spun tome, probably to get on with a conversation, but I stopped her.Anger brushing the surface, I pulled her into me and slammed mymouth against hers. I heard him gasp as I kissed this girl as ifshe were the only person on the planet. I had warned him hewouldn’t have anything I didn’t allow, and fuck if I allowed him tohave her.

I felt her tighten her grip on my hair andkiss me back. I tasted sweet liquor on her tongue, but also aslight hint of something stronger. Of him. I let the kiss dissolveon its own, longer than he had kissed her, and she allowed it. Ifinally pulled away from her. She had that dazed, sexed look to heras if I’d thoroughly fucked her with that kiss.

She swept her eyes from me to Tomás. A slowsmile slipped into her face. “Do you guys want a threesome? I’mtotally down for that.”

Tomás rolled his eyes and walked away.

Ladybug turned to me. “No thanks,” I said,and followed my mark. Because fuck him. He was mine. And I didn’teven give a fuck if he wasn’t gay.

No one. And I mean, no one was going to laya hand on him. I was going to make sure of it.

Chapter Eighteen


A slew of curse words flew out of my mouthand not all of them aimed at Kieran.

Threesome. Threesome.Fuck!And thatCora went along with it felt like a slap to the face. I pinched thetight fabric against my dick as it started to get tighter. I wasburning inside. Too damn hot despite the cold. Kieran just had toruin the night for me just when I was starting to have fun. Theblunt I’d smoked taking effect, calming everything down.

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