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I considered all the ways I could end himand bury him under a tree somewhere.

“Do you play?” he asked.

The question threw me off my game. I knew Imust’ve looked like an idiot. “What?”

“The piano,” he said, gesturing to it as ifI didn’t know what a piano was. “Do you play?”

“No. I don’t see the value of hobbies in thearts.”

“Music? You don’t see the value in music?”His brow lifted, calling out my idiocy.

I was an idiot for having this conversationwith him. “Not everyone can create greatoriginalmusic.”

“You don’t have to. You play because itmakes you feel good. Have you ever done anything that makes youfeel good, Kieran?”

“What kind of question is that?”

He shrugged, crossing his arms again. “It’sjust a question, bro.”

I clenched my teeth. I wasn’t sure what mademe move, the cheesy smile on his face, or that word,bro. Ihated it. I cupped his throat and squeezed. He didn’t move back andinstinctively gripped my forearm. For a moment I thought he wasgoing to swing. Give me an outlet to relieve this shit inside ofme. He didn’t.

My hand on his throat pushed all mydefensive strategies to the surface. He had three inches on me,probably ten pounds too, but he was uncoordinated. Alwaysunbalanced. I wanted to sweep him to the floor and pound him withmy fists. But his fingers dug into my arm and my body burned fromit. I needed to get away from him.

“Don’t call me that. I’m not your friend oryour brother.” I felt his Adam’s apple under my hand wobble as heswallowed. The sensation sent my dick inflating and I hated him forit. “Stay away from me.” I shoved him away.

He cupped his neck, breathing hard, pupilsdilated. His hand twitched. Nerves, fear, or the adrenaline rush ofhis fight or flight response. I could see him considering hisoptions and I wanted the fight so bad. Instead, he smiled. Thatsmile that reached his beautiful eyes.

“You’re the one always picking the fight,Kieran,” he said. “Maybe you should stay away from me.”

True. I should stay away from him, but Icouldn’t. Fortunately, he walked away leaving me there with anerection I didn’t know what to do with.

I heard his door snick closed and themovement of his chair as he placed it under the knob.

Since he’d been here, he’d been putting achair under the knob. Not trusting the lock or any of us. Smart.But this house held more secrets than Arcadia as a whole. And whenI slipped into my own room and closed the door, I turned on mylaptop and saw him lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

“Yeah, fucker,” I muttered. “Think aboutyour options.”

Because sooner than later, he wouldn’t haveany options left.

Chapter Eleven


I hated him.

I hatedthem. All of them. It tookall my strength not to fight Kieran back every time he stepped inmy way, sneered at me, or just looked my way. The hackles thing,yeah, that lifted the hairs at the nape of my neck. I wanted toobliterate them. I wanted it so bad I could taste it.

The day of the flag war arrived. There werefive teams of five. Every class level had a five-member team thathad to go against The Ark Boys. They were a team to themselves.Since we were the last to register, we were last to challenge them.Which meant we were up the last day of the event.

The Ark Boys were already at the playingfield when we arrived. I had to say, watching them dressed in theirblack tactical gear with their head gears lifted off their face andholding the paintball gun looking as if they’d come out of an issueof an army magazine made my body vibrate with anticipation. Wrenwas the first to turn to look at us and his expression said it all.They hadn’t bothered to read the roster, hadn’t known who theUnderdogs were. A small part of me got pissed that they hadn’tbothered checking, but their expressions right now were priceless.If only I had a camera.

The others followed Wren’s gaze.

Fox was the first one to grunt. “No way,” hesaid, his eyes glued to Dasher beside me. He already looked like hewanted to kill someone, and the games hadn’t even started.

“I’m allowed,” Dasher snapped. I felt a hintof pride at how he stood up for himself. “And fuck you for thinkingI can’t because of my disability!”

The crowd shifted. Some said ooo and ah. Itmade Fox look like a big jerk, but he didn’t care.

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