Page 17 of Ruthless Vows

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“I don’t like this. I could ask Nico. I’m sure he can find him.”

“No. It’s not necessary for either you or your husband to meddle in this any further. I had a one-night stand. It’s over, we can all move on and enjoy our lives.”

Aurora’s silent for a couple of moments before she sighs. “Fine.”

“Thank you. How are you feeling, though? You’re getting close to your due date.”

“Yeah, about two weeks left. I have a feeling he’s going to come earlier though, just to fuck with me,” she grumbles.

I smile. “I can’t wait to meet my little nephew.”

I already put in a leave of absence at work, a couple of weeks to visit my sister and her husband at their home in Chicago. I hate to leave for so long, but this is family. It’s important.

“He can’t wait to meet you too,” Aurora assures me. “Anyway, I gotta go. Nico’s bringing in my morning smoothie.”

“Tell him I said hi.”

“Will do. Bye,amore. And stay out of trouble.”

“I won’t,” I say assuredly. “Love you.”

I hang up the call with a grin. Talking to my sister always brightens my day. She’s my rock. I wouldn’t be here without her, and I am so immensely grateful to her for raising me and doing everything she could to take care of me.

As always, the office is bustling with activity when I walk through the elevator door. Simone sidles up beside me as if she were summoned the moment I appeared.

“Good morning, Ms. Kent.”

“Morning,” I greet back with a smile.

She follows me into my office as I slip off my coat and heels, getting comfortable for the day.

“I’m really sorry about last night. I can’t believe Hans didn’t show up,” she says as soon as we’re both seated.

My jaw tightens and I’m angry all over again at the thought of that dickhead standing me up. If Ivan hadn’t shown up, I would have probably gone home after buying a dart board. Then I would have spent all night using his face as target practice.

I exhale softly, deciding not to let it bother me. It’s a good thing Hans didn’t show, actually. I got to experience what wasprobably the best sex of my life, so really it all worked out in the end.

“Did he reschedule?” I ask blandly, picking up a couple of files on my desk—shoe catalogues and prospective brand deals for models affiliated with the magazine.

Simone nods. “Yes, his assistant got in touch with me. He’s requested a meeting after lunch instead, here at the office.”

“Alright. I’ll see him then.”

And he’d better walk into this office with an apology on his lips.

Simone leaves after laying out my schedule for the day, and before I know it, I’m lost in my work. The next few hours pass by quickly and soon enough it’s lunch time.

I do a cute little dance in my feet as I stand, ready to make the short walk to Mr. Rivera’s truck. His tacos are the best pick-me-up. Unfortunately I don’t get very far in my quest for the delicious tortilla filled with meat and salsa. As soon as I grab my coat, there’s a knock on my office door, and before I can call for whoever it is to enter, in walks Hans Murray.

The designer steps into my office in a cloud of Chanel Number Five and his signature leather pants, his long dark hair tied up in a ponytail at the back of his head. My mouth drops open at the sight of him.

“Hans, I wasn’t expecting you until later,” I point out when I finally find my tongue.

“Well, I’m here now,” he says dismissively, taking a seat in front of my desk without invitation.

My heart sinks at the realization that I’m not going to be able make it to Mr. Rivera’s for lunch. And then irritation swells within me.

This asshole is officially on my hit list.

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