Page 11 of Ruthless Vows

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She replies almost immediately.

Rory: What the fuck, Lucia?

Me: Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’m either going to have an incredibly fun time tonight. Or not. Talk to you tomorrow. Love you.

Rory: Just stay safe.

Her response is a testament to how well she knows me. I’ve probably taken so many years off her life. Now she’s just used to it.

Hulk opens the door and Ivan steps out of the car, with me following him. This time, I manage a murmured thanks to the guard, whose expression doesn’t so much as ruffle.

I guess his boss taught him well.

Ivan is staying at is one of the most expensive spots in the city—an upscale boutique hotel that caters only to the elites.

“You’ve been awfully silent,krasavitsa,” Ivan says as we step through the revolving double doors.

That’s because my brain has been working on overdrive trying to figure him out.

“Who is the hulk?” I ask for lack of anything better to say, referring to the guard who keeps his distance while watching us like a hawk with those clear brown eyes of his.

Ivan is momentarily confused.

“I mean your bodyguard,” I clarify.

His eyes lighten with recognition. “That’s Ruslan. My head bodyguard.”

“Head? Which means you have several bodyguards?” I ask with raised eyebrows.

“Yes. I’m a very important man, Lucia,” he says easily. “Come on, the bar’s right through here.”

We walk across the lobby to a door that leads into a quaint bar that’s nearly empty. Ivan heads straight for the bar andtakes a seat on one of the stools. I take the one beside him. The bartender immediately appears in front of us and asks what we’d like to drink.

I already had a glass of wine at the restaurant, but that doesn’t stop me from ordering a cosmopolitan. I have really high tolerance and I’m pretty good at handling my alcohol. Ivan orders a glass of whiskey.

“We should have a toast,” I state and he raises his glass as I speak. “Cheers to meeting new people. And epic nights.”

He smiles before clinking our glasses to that. “Cheers,krasavitsa.”



For a Maranzano princess in exile, Lucia is surprisingly open to talking about her life.

I knew who she was the minute she said her name. I make it a habit to know every person of consequence, and in the past few months, her sister has risen to a position that’s made me curious about her family history. Which means I looked into every member of that family. I came across Lucia then.

She didn’t really stick out to me when I did my background check, but now I’m beginning to realize that she should have. Because the woman seated in front of me is quite unlike any woman I’ve ever met before.

“I have a lot of hobbies,” Lucia’s in the middle of saying. “Unfortunately, I haven’t had the chance to enjoy them in the past few years.”

“Your job seems incredibly demanding,” I state. “You’re young, why are you latching yourself onto a position like that when you could be having fun? Traveling, going to parties, isn’t that usually what people your age do?”

She shrugs, taking a sip of her third cosmopolitan. Somehow, her amber eyes are still clear as day.

“I’m trying to build something worthwhile for myself while I’m still young,” she informs me.

I can relate to that. At twenty-four, I was well on my way to building the empire I possess today. But her drive is something I don’t see often. Another reason to admire the enigmatic woman that is Lucia Maranzano.

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