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“Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do you part?”

Her gaze locks onto mine, and in that moment, the world fades. The seconds stretch into what feels like hours as the world grows so small, it’s just the two of us in that brief stretch of time.

"I do," she finally says, her voice steady and clear. The words resonate, filling the space between us.

As he continues, binding our vows, I hold her hand, and our eyes lock.

She’s mine, now and forever.

The ceremony passes quickly, followed by the festivities I don’t fucking care about. I want her alone.

Finally, much later at night, when the guests leave and the grand hall is silent, I take her by the hand and lead her away to the garden. I want to savor my bride, wrapped in white, a vision of beauty and strength. Mine to have. Mine to protect. Mine to hold.


Moonlight casts a silver glow over the hedges and blooming flowers.

“It feels almost enchanted here, doesn’t it?”

I can’t help but smile and shrug a shoulder. “Yeah.” I’m not the poetic words kind of guy, but she’s right. There’s something about the garden after a ceremony, filtered with moonlight and dusk, that feels as if magic is about to happen.

“I half expect a fairy to land on one of the flowers,” she whispers.

She shivers when the wind brushes her bare shoulders. I shrug out of my jacket instinctively and wrap it around her arms.

“Nice,” she says with a teasing glint in her eyes. “Will you pay for dinner and hold the door open for me too?”

I grunt. “Obviously. Anywhere you want to go now that the wedding’s over?" I ask her.

"Wow," she says with a smirk. "Is this just an illusion of choice, or are you actually asking me?"

I give her a sheepish smile and shrug my shoulders. "Illusion.”

She laughs out loud. "That's what I thought," she says. "Well, pretending for a moment it’s actually a choice, I would like to go somewhere far away from all of this," she says, gesturing to our surroundings. "Somewhere safe though." She looks up at the sky and sighs. "Do you think it will ever end? The constant danger, the fear?"

“Fear?” I repeat. “I’m not afraid. Are you?”

She tips her head to the side and gives me a curious look. "Of course. I feel him everywhere. As if Carlos is lurking in every shadow, ready to strike. Do you mean to tell me you don't feel fear?"

I stifle a growl. “I wish Carlos would jump out from behind something. I’d love a chance to spill his blood on my family’s property and wring an apology out of him.”

Her eyes widen slightly, but she only swallows and nods.

Accepting me. Acceptingus.I put my arm around her shoulder and draw her closer.

"I do fear some things, but not Carlos or his posse. Mostly, I just feel anger. I’m counting down the minutes until I get Carlos in front of me. First, I’ll make him pay for giving you that scar. Then, beat him to death so you know without a doubt he will never hurt you again. I relish the day I get to feel his pulse leave his body.”

That smile plays on her lips, and her eyes look a little guarded. "In truth, Ollie, I know you could. And that kind of terrifies me a little bit."

“It’s not about could, Renata, but when.” I tighten my arm on her shoulder.

She’s quiet for long moments. “Then what do you fear?”

"I was afraid when you were gone. I was afraid I’d never get you back."

She looks away again, her eyes sad. For the first time since I've had her back, I want to make her happy. I don’t like seeing sadness in her eyes.

"I don't know how any of this will end," I tell her, but I make her a vow there and then. "I’ll burn the world to the ground to protect you. Nothing will stop me from keeping you safe, I promise you that."

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