Page 42 of Savage

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“And don’t forget when that guy Mikhail knew was framed,” Polina says. The little pup is fast asleep in her arms. “Do we have a name?” she whispers.

“No,” I snap, turning away.

“Mmm,” Polina continues. “Our family’s reputation was at stake, as we were guilty by association when what’s-his-name was framed for theft, but Renata overheard the accusations and told Ollie it was a lie.”

“Oooh,” my mother says. “It’s almost supernatural.”

I turn away and exhale. “Yeah. She knew there were discrepancies in the accusations. I hired a private investigator who confirmed what she said.”

Mom shakes her head. “And now you all are disbelieving that she was taken against her will. You maintain that despite the fact that she put herlifeon the line for you, simply by virtue of betraying the cartel and her brother, she turned tail and ran back to him?”

“We have video evidence,” I say, but even to me, it sounds hollow.

“Of what?” Polina scoffs. “Her running away? You have no idea who threatened her. You have no idea what they made her do. So what if she ran away? That’s hardly condemning evidence.”

Oh, but it is.

“I didn’t come here for relationship advice,” I say through clenched teeth. “I need shit for the dog, and I need to make sure the wedding’s all set.”

Polina sighs and rocks the dog like he’s a baby.


“Yeah,” she says softly. “Wedding’s all set, brother. No worries there. And Auntie Polina will take care of the doggie.”

“Thanks,” I mutter.

“But as far as relationship advice?” she says with determination. “Thatis free of charge.”

With her nose in the air, she turns away.


We need to get her married off sooner rather than later.

“I have to head back to Renata. We’ll catch up later.”

I don’t miss the way both of them laugh behind my back.

They can take this all lightly if they want to.

I don’t have that privilege.

There was a reason we were attacked. There was a reason she was in Colombia.

My family will stay safe no matter what.

“So she can tell when people are lying?” Viktor asks, scratching his chin. “Can you get her to question herself?”

I give him a withering look. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Viktor leans in closer, his expression serious. “If she starts doubting her own abilities, it could throw her off balance. Make her more manageable.”

“What the fuck are you even talking about, Viktor?” I shake my head, my frustration at everyone and everything boiling over. “This isn’t some game. She’s not some pawn we can manipulate or fuck around with. She’s going to be mywife.”

My wife.

He shrugs, unaffected. “Desperate times call for desperate measures. We might need to use every advantage we can.”

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