Page 10 of Savage

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“Betrayal?” she scoffs. “When did I ever give you the impression I was loyal to you? I owe you nothing.”

We’re wasting time. Her fate, at least for now, lies in the hands of her former best friend, who just happens to be the most ruthless, cutthroat, cunning and loyal woman I’ve ever met. She’ll easily handle the intricacies of this.

Someone opens the door. I step into the rain and drag Renata with me. She keeps up with my long strides, and if she’s afraid, she doesn’t show it.

Isabella’s men stand guard on either side of us, weapons drawn. One of them spits on the ground in front of him.

All of them are loyal to Isabella and Lev, we’ve seen to that. They believe Renata betrayed them, and for good reason. But none of them will harm a hair on her head.

I keep my face impassive as we march down the brightly lit hallway to the antechamber.

“Traitor,”one growls in Spanish.

“Fuck you,” she snaps back. I don’t respond, but my pulse quickens. I grit my teeth.

These are Isabella and Lev’s men, not mine. We’re associated, but they’re not under me.

“Lying whore,” another snaps.

My face burns with fury. I clench my free hand and swivel my gaze to the men beside us to see who said that, when she glares at a short, stocky man. “At least I didn’t suck Carlos’s dick to get to where I fucking am.”

He lunges at her, and I shove her behind me. I grab him by the shirt and throw him back. He falls back, screaming in Spanish. He knows better than to throw a fist atme.

“What is going on here?” Isabella’s sharp voice cuts through the commotion. She stands in the doorway of the office in front of us, her hands on her hips.

“Some of your men don’t know how to shut their fucking mouths.”

“She’s a traitor!” one of them screams.

“Enough!” Isabella’s voice rings with authority.

Lev materializes beside her, his voice harsh and merciless. “Ollie has brought Renata here for questioning. Her fate lies in the hands of your leader. Anyone who has a problem with that can take it up withme.” He stabs a finger in his chest.

And me.

“Into the office,” Lev snaps, jerking his chin at me and Renata.

I yank Renata in front of me, push her through the door, and follow behind her. Isabella gives orders in rapid-fire Spanish, and they all disperse. The door shuts behind us with a loudbang.

It smells of whiskey and old wood in here. I’m told it once was her mother’s sewing room, and she converted it into an office. Her father’s old office has been made into a bathroom. She smiled when she told me and shrugged. “I can be petty like that.”

I silently push Renata into a chair and watch her reaction. She stifles the wince. Yeah, she’s hurt.

“My friend,” Isabella begins in a tone of voice that is anything but friendly, it’s downright serpentine. “We have some catching up to do.” Isabella Morales Romanova is a force to be reckoned with, utterly, irascibly feminine and as cruel and vindictive as a king cobra. In other words, she’s got this.

“Is she hurt?” Isabella asks me.


Isabella nods and lifts her phone. I expect her to call a medic, but instead she sends a text. “Where is she hurt, Ollie?”

“Not sure yet.”

Isabella’s eyes cut to mine. “Find out.”

Renata’s eyes grow wide. I won’t strip her in front of my brother. I’d cut his fucking eyes out if he saw her naked, but I can be discreet. I’ll have to.

I reach for Renata and draw her onto my lap so she’s facing me. The memory of her with me, alone when she was under my watch back in The Cove, floods me. I thought she was on our side and only had to keep her under observation as a matter of protocol. I had no reason to believe she wasn’t loyal to us.

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