Page 9 of Silent Shadow

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"I’ve always worked alone," Hunter replied.

"Well, you’re not alone now," Brie said, her tone leaving no room for argument. "We’re in this together, whether you like it or not."

Hunter didn’t argue. He knew they were right, as much as he hated to admit it. The witch and the vampire were more dangerous than he’d anticipated. Much as he hated to admit it, he could use their help.

"What about the woman I saved?" he asked, changing the subject. "The shifter?"

"She’s being cared for in one of our medical bays," Brie replied. "You’re welcome to visit her if you think she can give you more information."

Hunter nodded, grateful for the offer. "Not now, but I will. Maybe she can tell me more about what they were doing to her."

Brie stood, gesturing toward the door. "When you’re ready, I’ll have someone take you to her."

Hunter rose from the table, nodding to both Brie and Colby. "Thank you for your hospitality, but I need to be going after this. I can’t let them get away."

As he walked toward the door, ready to leave, it opened, and Mercy stepped inside. Hunter stopped in his tracks, watching her carefully as she entered. She was more striking than he remembered, her silver-blonde hair catching the light as she moved, her dark eyes locking onto his with an intensity that sent a jolt through him.

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, and his body responded instantly, recognizing her as his fated mate. The air between them seemed to crackle, alive with an energy that had nothing to do with the room full of people.

He stepped forward, his hand reaching out to grasp her hand, bringing it to his lips. "We meet again," he said, his voice low, almost teasing.

Mercy’s eyes widened slightly, and for a moment, she looked like she might pull away. But she didn’t. Instead, her lips quirked into a small, wary smile. "It would appear to be so. Is your grasp of the obvious always this astounding?"

Hunter held her gaze for a moment longer, his smile growing. He knew now, beyond any doubt, that there was something powerful between them. Something he couldn’t ignore, even if he wanted to.This fated mate thing might not be so bad.

"Are you feeling better?" she asked, her voice steady, though her eyes flicked over him, searching for any remaining signs of his injuries.

"I am," Hunter replied, still holding her arm. "Thanks to you and your friends here."

Mercy’s smile faltered for a split second, a shadow crossing her expression before she nodded. "Good."

They stood there for a moment longer, neither willing to break the connection. Finally, Mercy dislodged her hand from his grip, though the warmth of her skin lingered on his lips.

"I need to go," he said softly. "But I’ll be back."

Mercy nodded; her expression unreadable. "I’ll be around."

Hunter’s smile returned, softer this time. The fire that had ignited inside him the moment he’d seen Mercy again burned hotter than ever. He had a mission to complete, a witch and a vampire to hunt.

But Mercy… she was another kind of mission altogether.



Damn it. Mercy had known this was a bad idea. The second she stepped into the abbey and felt the energy shift around her, she had felt it. A pull. A tether. And now, standing just inches from Hunter, her suspicions were confirmed. His touch—cool and steady, a vampire’s touch—sent sparks down her arm, igniting something in her she hadn’t felt in years.

But it was all wrong. Completely wrong.

Mercy side-eyed him and yanked her hand free from his grip, her jaw tightening with frustration. “Walk away, Hunter,” she’d said softly, her voice barely above a growl. “I have no interest in whatever it is you think you’re offering.”

Hunter’s laughter had been low and rich, as if her rejection only amused him. “We’ll see each other soon enough, Mercy. And then, maybe we can discuss that in greater detail.”

Mercy rolled her eyes, her annoyance flaring. Without turning back, she raised her middle finger high in the air as she strode away, not caring if he saw.Vampires. They always thought they were so damn charming. They usually were, but still, they were arrogant sots.

She made her way to the large, stone-hewn table where Brie and Colby sat, both of them watching her approach with matching grins that did nothing to improve her mood. Colby’s laughter was the first to break through, a deep, amused chuckle that rippled through the room.

“A shifter and a vampire,” he said, shaking his head. “Fate has a warped sense of humor.”

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