Page 42 of Silent Shadow

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Mercy woke the next morning with an incredibly sharp clarity in her mind. She wouldn’t have been surprised to be just the littlest bit sore from Hunter’s amorous attention, but she hadn’t been. Greg had come in and rolled his eyes before checking her vitals and leaving them.

The events of the past few days rushed back like a flood, but instead of feeling overwhelmed, she felt a sense of destiny settling over her. It was as if she and Hunter had always been meant to be together. She lay next to him for a moment, staring at the ceiling, letting her thoughts organize themselves. There was no time for self-pity or hesitation. She had been given a new life—one she hadn’t chosen—but it was hers now, and she would make the most of it.

Her body felt different, stronger, more alert. She could hear every creak in the old abbey, every distant conversation. The faintest scent of the forest beyond the walls reached her, and she inhaled deeply, even knowing her lungs no longer needed to inflate, but still, she inhaled, as her sense of smell was even more keen than before. She could feel the energy that surged through her new vampire senses. But it wasn’t just the vampirism. Shenow recognized the fae part of her that had always been there, humming beneath her skin, and her shifter blood still pulsed with the call of the falcon. She wasn’t just one thing anymore—she had become many things.

And she was going to use every ounce of that power to finish what they’d started.

Sliding out of bed, Mercy quickly dressed in the combat gear that presumably Hunter had laid out for her, pulling on her boots with sharp, deliberate movements. Hunter was already awake, standing by the window, his gaze distant as he looked out over the misty landscape. He turned when he heard her approach, his expression unreadable.

“You’re up early,” he said softly, his voice a low rumble. “I thought you might like to rest and figured that was more likely to happen without me pestering you.”

Mercy laughed as she hugged him from behind, laying her head on his strong back. “Pester me all you like,” she said, grabbing a jacket and pulling it on. “But we need to move. If I’ve learned one thing from the Shadow Sisters, it’s that people who have become a target for others need to be moved to safety as soon as possible…”

“You can take her…”

“No way. That’s not my job. It never has been. There is a small circle within the Shadow Sisters who will take Elyria some place safe. And if you think you’re going after that vampire by yourself, think again. I’m not staying here while you go off and have all the fun. We either go together or separately. Your choice. See how that works? Me giving you a choice in something that concerns both of us?”

Hunter groaned. “Any idea how long you’re going to throw that in my face?”

“I think a thousand years or so should do it.”

He chuckled, but then his brow furrowed slightly as if he hadn’t expected such firm resolve from her so soon after everything that had happened. He folded his arms across his chest, studying her for a long moment.

“You’re sure about this?” he asked, his tone serious. “There’s no going back from here, Mercy. The vampire that escaped is dangerous, and going after him will be no easy task.”

Mercy’s eyes narrowed, a fire burning behind her gaze. “I’m not sitting around while you chase after him. I’m not some helpless bystander. I’ve been fighting my entire life, and I’m not going to stop now.”

Hunter’s lips quirked into a small smile. “I don’t doubt your abilities, Mercy. But this is more than just a simple hunt. That vampire is old, powerful. He’s been gathering forces. And I’ve been around since the Neolithic Age and gained a millennia of experience.”

Mercy crossed her arms, mirroring his stance. “Fae. Shifter. Vampire hybrid,” she shot back. “I think I can handle myself just fine.”

Hunter’s smile grew, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. He stepped closer, his gaze locking with hers, and for a moment, the air between them crackled with the tension that had always existed between them—an intensity that went beyond their newfound connection.

“Fair enough,” he said, nodding after a pause. “But if we’re going to do this, we do it together. And we make sure Elyria is safe first.”

Mercy relaxed slightly, satisfied that he wasn’t going to argue with her about staying behind. She couldn’t bear the thought of being left out of the fight. The vampire that had escaped needed to be stopped—and the witch who had orchestrated everything needed to die as well.

“Agreed. But that vampire needs to join his witchy partner in Hell,” Mercy added, her voice firm.

Hunter arched an eyebrow, a sardonic grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Feeling a little bloodthirsty, are we?”

Mercy blinked, and for a split second, she realized with a jolt of surprise that he was right. There was a part of her that did feel a little bloodthirsty—a hunger that wasn’t just about survival. It was about justice, about vengeance. And… she liked it. She liked the idea of hunting him down, of delivering the punishment he deserved.

Her mouth curved into a small, satisfied smile. “Maybe a little,” she admitted.

Hunter’s eyes gleamed with amusement, but he didn’t mock her for it. Instead, he nodded, a shared understanding passing between them. “Good. You’ll need that edge.”

There was a knock on the door, and Brie stepped into the room, her expression serious but composed. She glanced between Mercy and Hunter before speaking.

“I’ve talked with the other Shadow Sisters,” she said, her voice steady. “We’re going to offer Elyria a choice between staying here or relocating her. She’ll be safer someplace else, but that means only a handful of people will know where she is. A new identity, new location. It’s the only way to keep her out of reach from anyone who might try to use her.”

Mercy nodded, her chest tightening slightly with relief. Elyria was a magnet for trouble—her fae-shifter heritage alone made her a valuable target for anyone looking to exploit her power.

“I still think she’d be safer somewhere else,” Mercy said, glancing at Hunter. “The abbey is secure, but Elyria is too valuable. People will come for her—fae, magic users, shifters. She’s a rare prize.”

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