Page 25 of Silent Shadow

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Before they could begin, a loud crash echoed down the corridor from the far end of the dungeon. Hunter’s head snapped toward the sound, his instincts immediately on high alert.

“Damn it,” Colby muttered, dropping the tools back onto the table. “That’s the witch.”

Hunter’s jaw clenched. Of course, it wasn’t going to be that easy. The witch was no ordinary prisoner. They both knew her power, and despite Adriana’s protective spell, the dark energy surrounding the dungeon had been growing more oppressive by the minute.

“We’ll come back to him,” Hunter said, shooting the vampire a sharp look. “Stay put.”

The vampire only smirked, settling back against the wall. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Hunter followed Colby down the corridor toward the witch’s cell, the tension mounting with every step. When they reached her, she was pacing the small, enclosed space like a caged animal, her hands twitching at her sides. Though her mouth was closed, Hunter could feel the pulse of magic in the air, like a constant thrum that grated against his senses.

Adriana’s protective spell shimmered faintly around the cell, holding the witch’s dark power at bay, but it was clear she was agitated—and getting more dangerous by the second.

“We need to contain her,” Hunter said, watching as the witch’s fingers sparked with raw magic. “Before she finds a way to break through that barrier.”

Colby cursed under his breath; his gaze locked on the witch. “Easier said than done.”

As they tried to figure out their next move, Hunter’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, glancing at the screen—it was Brie.

“What is it?” he answered.

Brie’s voice came through, strained with urgency. “Elyria is causing chaos in the main hall. Adriana is with her, but we need you to get here fast.”

Hunter felt an unfamiliar tension coiled in his chest—the ghost of a feeling that had once resembled a heartbeat—something he hadn’t experienced for centuries. The fae-shifter’s awakening couldn’t have come at a worse time.

“I’m on my way,” he said, shoving the phone back into his pocket. He glanced at Colby. “You stay here. Keep an eye on them. I’ll see if Adriana can help, and Mercy and I will deal with the fae.”

Colby nodded grimly. “Be careful.”

Hunter wasted no time, moving quickly through the abbey’s winding corridors toward the main hall. Perhaps he should have gone to the fae first, but hindsight was always twenty/twenty. As he approached, he could feel the sharp, erratic pulse of fae magic rippling through the hallway, growing stronger with each step.

When he entered the room, the scene was chaotic. Papers and furniture were strewn everywhere, the air crackling with energy. The fae-shifter, was flitting around the room, her movements erratic, sparks of magic flying from her fingertips and the tips of her wings leaving fiery trails behind whatever they touched. Her eyes glowed with an unnatural light, wildand frantic, as she whipped her head around, searching for something unseen.

Adriana stood off to the side, her hands raised as she tried to calm the fae, but it was clear her efforts were failing.

“Elyria,” Adriana called out, her voice calm but firm. “You’re safe here. No one is going to hurt you.”

But Elyria wasn’t listening. Her magic surged, sending a gust of wind through the room that knocked over several chairs and scattered more papers across the floor.

Hunter moved forward cautiously, his presence drawing Elyria’s attention. Her head snapped toward him, her glowing eyes locking onto his as she stilled, her movements suddenly freezing in place.

She cocked her head to one side, her nostrils flaring as she sniffed the air around him. “Unnatural,” she murmured, her voice laced with disdain.

Hunter stopped, keeping his gaze steady. He wasn’t surprised by her reaction. Fae were sensitive to the energy of others, and to her, he would feel like a perversion of life—a creature that existed outside the natural order.

Everyone in the room went quiet, watching the interaction between Hunter and Elyria. Adriana’s eyes were wide, her body tense as she stood ready to intervene if necessary.

Elyria stepped closer to Hunter, her gaze narrowing as she studied him. “And yet,” she whispered, almost to herself, “you saved me. It was you who came for me in the dark.”

Hunter didn’t move, didn’t speak, letting her come to her own conclusions. There was no point in arguing with a fae about the nature of his existence. She would either accept it or she wouldn’t.

Elyria’s eyes flicked toward Mercy, who had been standing in the room just behind Adriana. Her gaze softened as she took inMercy’s presence, her head tilting again as if sensing something about her.

“You,” Elyria said, her voice clearer now. “You have the soul of a fae.”

Mercy blinked, clearly taken aback by the comment. “I—what?”

Elyria stepped back; her expression thoughtful as she continued to study Mercy. “I will speak with you,” she said, her voice soft but firm. “And only you.”

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