Page 17 of Silent Shadow

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"I need manpower," Hunter replied, his tone steady. "This isn’t just about me anymore. Whatever they were doing down there, it’s bigger than just a few rogue vampires. And I think it’s connected to the fae/wolf-shifter we found."

Colby’s expression darkened at the mention of the fae. "Yeah, that situation’s strange. We need to get to the bottom of it."

Hunter nodded. "That’s why I’m asking for your help. You know the people here better than I do. If you can bring a few of your men that you trust absolutely, we can figure out what’s going on."

Colby was quiet for a moment, then nodded. "All right. Meet me in the courtyard within the hour, and we’ll head out."

Hunter’s shoulders relaxed slightly, a sense of relief washing over him. This was progress. Not just in the mission, but in gaining Colby’s trust. "Thank you."

Colby shrugged, a faint grin tugging at his lips. "Don’t thank me yet. We haven’t even started."

With that, Colby turned and walked back toward the abbey, leaving Hunter standing in the woods. He watched the man go,knowing that this was just the beginning. If he could get Colby on his side, it could go a long way toward winning Mercy’s trust.

One step at a time, Hunter reminded himself. He wasn’t the kind of man to rush things, but he also wasn’t willing to let this opportunity slip through his fingers. He had to prove to Mercy—and to himself—that he could be more than just a vampire hunting rogue creatures. He could be her partner, her equal.

When he returned to the courtyard an hour later, the air was thick with anticipation. Colby stood waiting, flanked by three other men—shifters, judging by the energy radiating off them. They were all strong, capable, and ready for whatever lay ahead.

"Ready?" Colby asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Hunter nodded. "Let’s go."

The group set off; their footsteps silent against the cobblestone path as they made their way to the church where Hunter had first found the subterranean cavern. The night was dark, the sky clear but moonless, casting long shadows across the ground.

When they reached the church, Hunter led them inside, his senses sharp as he retraced his steps. The scent of magic still lingered in the air, faint but unmistakable. He motioned for the others to follow as he approached the hidden entrance, the one he had discovered by chance the night before.

Colby and the others watched silently as Hunter pressed his hand against the stone, feeling for the mechanism that would open the door. With a soft click, the wall shifted, revealing the narrow passageway that led deep underground.



Hunter moved with a quiet, predatory grace as he led Colby and his men through the narrow tunnel, his senses alive with the same primal instincts that had kept him alive for centuries. Every step felt heavy, the damp air of the subterranean chamber thick with the residue of old magic. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as they neared the room where he had first found the fae-shifter. The memory of that day was etched into his mind—the terror on her face, the symbols carved into the stone walls, the dark ritual that had been underway.

There had been a feeling of doom to the whole thing, and Hunter wasn’t given to flights of fancy and hyperbole.

Colby’s voice cut through the stillness, low and cautious. “This place gives me the creeps,” he muttered, his gaze shifting uneasily around the tunnel. “You sure we’ll find something down here?”

“I’m not sure of anything,” Hunter replied, his voice a gruff whisper. “But something happened here, and I don’t believe we’ve seen the last of it.”

Colby nodded, his brow furrowing as he quickened his pace to walk beside Hunter. “What exactly are we looking for?”

“Clues. Anything that’ll tell us why the witch and vampire targeted the fae-shifter,” Hunter answered, his eyes scanning the passage ahead. “The ritual they were performing wasn’t just about draining her magic. It felt bigger than that.”

Colby snorted softly, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “Always is with your kind, isn’t it? Big schemes, long games.”

Hunter ignored the jab, his focus already shifting back to the task at hand. His kind—vampires—were notorious for their long lives and even longer-range plans. But what the other vampire and witch had been doing was more than a mere power grab. They were playing with forces that could tear the fragile balance between worlds apart, and that was something Hunter couldn’t allow. At the end of the day, the why didn’t matter so much as stopping them and whatever it was they had in mind. It didn’t take a genius to know that whateveritwas, it wasn’t good.

As they approached the wide chamber, Hunter slowed, motioning for Colby and the others to hold back. The faint glow from the symbols carved into the stone walls gave the room an eerie, unnatural light. The air was thick with the residual magic of the ritual, like the aftershocks of an earthquake, still dangerous even after the main event had passed.

Hunter stepped into the chamber, his eyes immediately locking onto the markings on the ground—the remnants of the ritual. He crouched by one of the symbols, running his fingers lightly over the smooth lines. The carvings were deep, precise, and had been etched with intention. This was no hastily thrown-together spell the witch had concocted upon finding some random fae. No, this was ancient magic, meticulously crafted with a specific end in mind. He had no doubt the fae had been hunted. Hunter could feel the power pulsing from the symbols, like a heartbeat just beneath the surface.

Looking over his shoulder, he asked, “Can you feel this?”

Colby nodded. “What is all this?” His voice was hushed as he stepped closer, his eyes wide as they took in the intricate carvings.

“It’s part of the ritual,” Hunter murmured. “These symbols—they’re not just decorative. They’re wards meant to contain and siphon magic. Old, dark, powerful magic.”

Colby let out a low whistle, glancing around the room. “And they were using it on the fae-shifter?”

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