Page 93 of Empire of Savages

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And for a heartbeat, I was lost in the fathomless depths of them.

This man was a true killer.

He nodded, turned, and left.

And even though I wanted to chase after him and demand to know why he had let me slay my own demon, I listened to his heavy footsteps descend the stairs instead. When the last pounding footfall echoed, I released the breath that I’d been holding and dropped the gun.

Chapter 32


The moment Voxand I returned to the clubhouse, I knew something was wrong. The prospects that should’ve been guarding the gate were nowhere to be seen. Coming to a stop at the start of the driveway, I lowered the kickstand and waited for Vox to pull up beside me.

“Where to fuck is everyone?” he asked when he removed his helmet.

Shaking my head, I replied, “No idea.”

Dismounting my bike, I walked to the gate, gripping the chunky metal padlock connecting an equally thick chain together and tugging it. “Nobody was supposed to move until nine.”

“Maybe Kaash got tired of waiting?” Vox suggested, looking up and down the length of the street.

Stepping away from the gate, I noted the complete absence of light and sound in the clubhouse. Had Kaash moved the old ladies and children out? And if he had, where had he taken them?

When a car pulled up fifty feet away, I zeroed in on it. Reaching around, I palmed my gun—Vox doing the same—and we approached the car.

A woman got out of the driver’s side, her pink hair unmistakable.

“Bliss?” I asked. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Help me!” She flung open the rear door, her whole upper body disappearing inside.

Vox and I shared a look, the same thoughts probably going through our heads. We didn’t trust that this was something innocent. More than likely, it was a diversion the Devils had sent, but there was something in her desperation that made me look a little closer.

With the jerk of my chin, I motioned for Vox to open the other rear passenger door. “Fuck.”

I looked at him, pain reflecting back at me. “What is it?” I demanded—that same rush of dread as before rippling over my skin.


I approached Bliss, who backed away from the door like a skittish horse. Ducking my head, I peered into the dim rear seat, recoiling at the sight. Lucifer was lying on his side, his chest rising and falling in sharp, shallow pants. Blood coated the bottom half of his body. A towel had been pressed to what I assumed was a wound on his hind quarters.

“What the fuck happened to him, Bliss?” My voice was low, a warning in my tone. Lucifer was supposed to be with Alex. If he washere, then where the hell was Alex? When I swung my hard gaze onto Bliss again, she backed away, holding her blood-stained hands up in front of her like a shield.

“Where’s Alex?” I demanded, straightening.

Tears began to line her eyes, then fell. “She saved me.”

Curling my hands into fists to stop myself from shaking her, I said, “Bliss, I swear to God if you don’t start talking, if you don’t tell me where Alex is, I can’t be held responsible for my actions.”

Using the back of her hand, she wiped away the tears and said, “A guy named Maddox broke into her apartment. He used me to get Alex to come to the garage. Told her he was going to sell me to the Bratva. But Alex wouldn’t let that happen. She… she took my place.”

Motherfucker! I should’ve killed that fucking bastard as soon as Kai told me who he was. I’d asked my club brother to do some digging—to use whatever contacts he still had within the Detroit PD. What Kai had come back with had made my jaw clench. Maddox wasn’t simply a loan shark, but in deep with the Kavanaugh Crime Family.

Lucifer whined softly, and when I looked down, I could see his tail wagging sluggishly. “You did good, mutt,” I told him, running my hand along his shoulder. Just that simple movement caused him to whimper. Looking up, I met Vox’s eyes across the back seat. “Get him to an emergency vet and tell them this dog can’t die. Take Bliss with you.”

Vox nodded, rounding the car and getting into the driver’s seat.

I turned to Bliss. “Stay with Vox. I’ll call him and let him know when it’s safe to return here.”

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