Page 75 of Empire of Savages

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“Just wondering how that piece of ass you’re tapping is going.”

My shoulders tightened. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

“Come on, Nick. I know she was the reason you left the DC run in Ohio. Eli had brought in some top-tier coke for the party as well as fresh pussy from their strip joint, and it was all for us.”

“There is no girl,” I reiterated. I saw his smile from the corner of my eye.

“What about La Croix’s daughter?”

My hands balled into fists on my thighs. “I told you. The lead was a bust.”

One of his brows winged up. “My guy doesn’t usually miss with things like this. Are you sure?”

I looked back out the window, counting inside my head until my anger subsided enough not to come out in my voice. “She wasn’t there. We don’t need her anyway. We have La Croix right where we want him.”

Gunnar shrugged, finally dropping it. “Whatever you say, brother.”

The rest of the car ride was silent until we made it to The Eye—a small nine-block by seven-block suburb just south-west of Detroit. We were deep in Devils’ territory now. Usually, we only traveled into this part of Detroit under the cover of darkness, so being out in the open in the middle of the day would bring its own problems.

“Yo, Nick, check it,” Gunnar suddenly said, sitting forward in his seat.

Ahead of us, a member of the Devils was on his Harley, ducking and weaving through the traffic.

“He looks like he’s in a fucking hurry.”

“He does, doesn’t he?” Gunnar shot back with a frenzied grin. He hit the gas, edging us closer to the motorcycle and rider. When we pulled alongside him, Gunnar pulled out his gun and reached over me. The Devil glanced over just before Gunnar pulled the trigger and tried to swerve in an evasive move. But Gunnar only shifted his aim from the body to the gas tank on his bike.

Thethunk, thunkof two bullets hitting metal were the last thing I heard before a massive fireball erupted.

As Gunnar sped off, he yelled, “Did you see how fucking fast that guy went up?”

With my eyes on the side mirror, I watched as the bike slammed into a parked car, sending the rider over the handlebars and onto the road. He didn’t get up.

“Too bad we couldn’t strip him of his cut,” Gunnar added, still high off the kill.

“The order is to agitate,notfucking kill, when there are witnesses everywhere. It’s broad daylight and we don’t control the cops over this side of the city.”

Gunnar threw a smile my way. “Iagitatedhis gas tank with my bullets. I technically didn’t go after the Devil.”

“That’s fucking semantics, and you know it,” I growled at him. “Keep your fucking trigger finger away from the gun from now on until I give you a direct order to the contrary.”

Gunnar’s eyes flashed with defiance before his expression shuttered. He gave an apathetic shrug, navigating his way through the streets until we reached Hillcrest Middle School. There had been a shooting there eight years ago that had left 35 percent of the student population dead or severely injured. The parents of the surviving children had removed their kids immediately, leaving the head of the Detroit Public Schools Community District no choice but to shut Hillcrest down.

Before I went away, the abandoned building was rumored to have been claimed by the Devils.

Gunnar pulled his car in through the opened chain-link gate, easing up beside Easton, Jaxon, Karter, and Silas. Ryker was twenty feet away with a roll of tools at his side as he stripped the trapped Devils’ motorcycles for parts.

“What’s the plan?” I asked Silas, pulling out my tobacco pouch and rolling a cigarette. I was still on fucking edge about the Devil Gunnar had killed on the way over. All it would take was one witness to come forward and we’d be fucked. “How many?”

“We saw four go in. We’ve had them penned in for an hour.”

“How much firepower?”

“Don’t know.”

I jerked my chin at Gunnar, sealing the cigarette shut , then sliding it behind my ear. With a satisfied smirk, he rounded the car and opened the trunk, unzipping the duffel bag of AKs stashed inside. Like a fucked-up Santa Claus, he handed them out along with an extra cartridge, all the while whistling a happy tune.

“Jaxon. Karter, stand watch. Make sure a random cop doesn’t come sniffing around.” I checked over my weapon before joining Gunnar, Silas, Easton, and Ryker.

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