Page 59 of Empire of Savages

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“What about you? You said she opened the door for you and then she was shot.”

I scowled. “What are you saying?”

“Maybe the bullet was meant for you. Doyouhave any enemies, Mr.—” Díaz made a show of checking her notes. It was all bullshit, though. Every single detail had already been stored meticulously in her head. “—Sobolev?”

“Don’t we all?” I replied through gritted teeth. Her questions echoed my own thoughts, helping to solidify my suspicions.

She studied my tattoos and the motorcycles parked in the drive. I’d underestimated this detective. She may have looked like a timid mouse, but she had hidden fangs.

“You know what I find curious?” she began, her tone growing harder. More cutting. “That another young man was shot not two weeks ago while walking back from a class on campus. His death looked awfully similar.”

“I wouldn’t know anything about that.” My jaw was clenched so tight that it was beginning to ache.

“That’s very surprising, Mr. Sobolev, because the young man who lost his life two weeks ago had the same surname.”

My hands balled into fists. “Could be a coincidence.”

She shook her head. “I’m the detective on that case, too. And I never forget the faces of my victims. The victims that I swore to find their killers. So, you must be Nick, Dimitri Sobolev’s twin brother. Nick Sobolev, who was released from prison just days ago after serving five years on a weapons charge. Nick Sobolev, who is the sergeant at arms for the Savage Hunt Outlaw Motorcycle Club. How am I doing? Am I missing anything?”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “What the fuck are you trying to get at here?”

Díaz smiled coldly. “I’m saying that maybeyouare the real target for these attacks. I’m saying you’re putting everyoneyou’re around in danger. And if that’s true, who the hell has a hard-on for you? Did you piss someone off inside? Did they drop the soap and you took it as an invitation?”

Lifting my chin, I looked down at her, choosing not to rise to her goddamned bait. “You haven’t got a goddamned thing on me. I’m a witness in this fucking crime,notthe fucking suspect, so why don’t you take that bitch mouth of yours and fucking move along?”

Something sparked in her eyes—something I couldn’t identify. “Be sure to stay in town. We might have more questions for you.” She looked at the cops. “We’re done here.”

“What about him?” one cop asked, gesturing to Rixon who was lying face-down next to the pool of Molly’s blood, his brown eyes locked on the red puddle.

“Let him go,” she replied.

“Díaz, he pulled a weapon on me,” the guy said.

“I never saw that happen.” She turned to me. “Did you see that happen?”

I shook my head.

“It didn’t happen, O’Sullivan. Let him up. He’s grieving.”

O’Sullivan did as he was told, uncuffing Rixon but making no move to help him up. The cops left, and I got Rixon up onto his feet. The ambulance with Molly’s body pulled away, and my own theories, muddied by Díaz’s assumptions, were left circling my fucking head.

Silas called the meeting to order. Kaash couldn’t be reached, leaving our club secretary to preside over this emergency session of Church.

“What’s going on?” Ryker asked, still cleaning grease from beneath his fingernails. “Where the hell is Rixon?”

Silas looked to me, letting me take the lead.

I cleared my throat. “Rixon’s resting right now.”

Jaxon chuckled. “I bet it was Candy that wore him out.” The comment made everyone start to chuckle, conversations about how good Candy could suck a dick popping up around the room.

I was suddenly enraged by their lack of fucking respect. A woman had fuckingdied. Not just any woman either. Our president’s fucking old lady had been murdered, and they were in here laughing about Rixon fucking around on her. I slammed my palm against the cool surface of the desk, making everyone turn in my direction.

Once everyone got a look at my face, and the humor left theirs.

“Nick?” Maverick asked, sitting straighter in his seat.

I ran a hand through my hair, letting out a breath. Fuck, my throat felt like it was closing—suffocating me. I swallowed over the lump that had formed. It was like being told Dimitri was dead all over again, and I wasn’t sure I was strong enough to take another hit so soon.

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