Page 44 of Empire of Savages

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“At the warehouse checking over the merchandise. What’s up?”

“I need to speak with you in person. Can you swing by the house?”

“Sure. I’ll be there soon.” Hanging up the phone, I looked at Gunnar. “I’ve got to go. Kai, can I borrow your bike?”

Kai reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys, throwing them to me.

“Thanks,” I muttered.

“Something wrong?” Gunnar called out as I reached the door.

“No. I’ll see you later.”

Thirty minutes later, I pulled up in front of Rixon and Molly’s house. It was a quaint rancher in St. Clair Shores, with manicured lawns, tended rose bushes, and a white picket fence.Rixon’s bike was parked in the driveway, while Molly’s early model Corolla was in front of it.

Extending the kickstand, I leaned Kai’s motorcycle down and killed the engine. By the time I got off the bike, Molly was already there, wrapping me into a huge hug. With her arms over my shoulders, she plastered herself to me like she was never going to let me go. She was a petite woman with shoulder-length brown hair streaked with gray and kind hazel eyes.

I patted her gently on the back. “Nice to see you again, too, Mol.”

She pulled back, unshed tears sitting in her eyes. “It’s so good to see you, honey.”

Everyone washoneyto Molly, except if she didn’t like you. Then she’d call you by your first name without a single ounce of warmth in her voice.

“Is Rixon here?”

Wrapping her arm around my waist, she steered me toward the front door. “He’s in his office. Waiting for you.”

Something about the tone of her voice set my internal alarm bells ringing. “Is he okay?”

“Fine, honey. Just fine. Go on inside and I’ll bring in some coffee in a moment.”

I walked into the house, and a sense of peace fell over me. The tension that always seemed to leak from the walls of the clubhouse was absent here, and my shoulders relaxed an inch. Down the hall, I knocked on Rixon’s office door and waited.

“Come in, Nick,” Rixon called.

I pushed inside, leaving the door ajar for Molly when she returned.

“Rixon, what’s up?”

He gestured to the seat in front of him, waiting for me to sit before saying, “I think Kaash is becoming a problem.”

I wanted to tell him I was surprised by this statement, but the fact of the matter was, I wasn’t. The tension between the two men was palpable—even I could see that in the few days I’d been back. Leaning forward in my seat, I rested my elbows on my knees and lightly clasped my hands together. “That’s why we’re meeting here instead of at the clubhouse?”

Rixon dipped his chin. “Who was with you when I called?”

“Gunnar, Mac, and Kai.”

“Did they know it was me?”

I thought back to the call and nodded. “Yeah, they knew. Look, Rixon, I’ll do whatever I can to help you. What do you need from me?”

“I need to know I have your support if things come to a head.”

“You’ll always have my loyalty.”

“Good. I knew what your answer was going to be, but I still needed to hear it. I fear?—”

Molly pushed through the door carrying a tray with two mugs and a plate of cookies. Rising from my chair, I took them for her and set them on Rixon’s desk.

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