Page 92 of The Reaper

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I came with a roar, biting her on the neck, holding her flesh between my teeth as I emptied myself inside her. My orgasm rolled through me like a storm, each wave of hot pleasure joining the last until I wasn’t sure I would ever stop marking her like this.

Not that I wanted to stop marking her like this.

I finally came down from the high of fucking my woman, unhooking her arms and unwrapping the belt. I massaged her wrists, kissing them where the chaffing had been the worst, then tipped her chin up so I could look into her face. Her eyes were heavy with pleasure. I stepped away, freeing my body from hers, but mourning the loss of her heat.

She slid from the counter and reached for the hand towel dispenser on the wall.

“No,” I told her.

She stilled, peering at me. “You don’t want me to clean up?”

Was I a bastard for making her leave my cum inside her and on the inside of her thighs? Yeah, I was, but I was a possessive bastard if nothing else, and I wanted her to walk around with it there—remembering how I’d possessed her body so completely.

“Leave it.”

With a huff, she dropped her hand.

“Keep that attitude up and you’ll have my handprint on your arse, too,” I warned.

She shook her head, fixing up her dress. “This is the last time it’s ever going to happen, Orin.”

Her words may as well have been bullets. They tore through me, and I glanced down, expecting to see blood. “What do you meanlast time? I plan on fucking you thoroughly every single morning and night.”

“You can’t just take what you want from me, Orin. You can’t take it then disappear and leave me to pick up the goddamned pieces.”

I leveled her with a hard stare. “That’s easy. Come back with me, and I won’t ever have to disappear.”

She shook her head. “That’s not the solution and you know it.”

“What is the solution, then?”

Looking down, she brushed some imaginary lint from the skirt of her dress, then pinned me with a resolved stare. “Tell me the whole truth about you. All your secrets. All your lies. Then I might be able to move forward with you.”

Tell her my truths? My past? My sins? I began shaking my head, knowing that if I told her everything in my past, it would guarantee that she wouldn’t let me touch her ever again.

“I can’t.” I croaked the words out. “I can’t do that.”

Her expression fell, and she stepped around me. “Then do whatever you want, Orin, so long as it doesn’t involve me anymore.”

She unlocked the door and stepped out into the café.

I, however, stood there for a long time wondering whether she would be able to accept my past or whether she would abandon me just like all the other people I’d been foolish enough to care for had.




Orin had been afraid. I’d seen it in his eyes, but I needed to know the truth. At least then I might be able to understand why he pushed me away like he had. Whatever it was, it was unresolved, and I knew that if I forgave him, we would be stuck in this vicious cycle of fucking and building emotions, but as soon as he felt threatened by something I said or did, he would abandon me again.

My own ragged scars from my parents’ deaths were enough for me to deal with without him casting me aside again too.

No matter how much I tried to forget about him, though, I couldn’t escape the memories of the way he’d taken me in that café. Every touch, every sound, every moan and groan of pleasure was seared into my brain, and I was ashamed to admit that I’d taken those memories out of the box I’d shut them in more than once or twice. His complete domination over my body and my pleasure was so freeing, and it was only now—with self-reflection—that I saw the real reason I had cried that first time he’d taken me like he had.

When I was raped, I’d had no control over the situation. I hadn’t been able to fight back or scream for help. I hadn’t been able to do anything except lay there and have my body violated over and over again. I still remembered all their faces—the men who took something away from me that night. They weren’t concerned with my pleasure or comfort. All they wanted was to take a little part of my soul with them and satisfy their own dark desires.

But Orin was different.

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