Page 42 of The Reaper

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Jesus. He was a stunning man.

A feral, dangerous, heartbreakingly stunning man.

“What did he say to you?”

Rising to my feet, I lifted my chin and met his gaze. “Nothing I didn’t already know.”

He stepped forward, invading my personal space until we were standing toe-to-toe. The scent of fresh sweat and cedar rose between us. I licked my lips, his dark eyes spearing me.

“Tell me what he said.”

“Or what? You’ll tie me up and make me submit to you?”

It was a taunt I shouldn’t have made, but I wanted to see whether it was true. If it was possible, Orin’s pupils dilated further, and I knew in that moment that I was standing with a man who barely had control of himself and his urges.

We breathed in each other’s air for a long minute, his eyes moving between mine as he searched for the answer. Then, his mouth curled up into a snarl. “Don’t talk to anyone else.”

A humorless laugh escaped my lips, and I stared at him incredulously. “How do you suppose you’re going to enforce that? Keep me locked up in here the whole time?”

He grunted, then stalked over to the plate of food I discarded on the bed. He picked it up and sniffed the contents before walking to the door and throwing it into the hall. After he slammed the door shut, he turned to me once more.

“I was eating that,” I spluttered.

“I’ll be the one to feed you from now on.”

I couldn’t believe he’d said that. “I’m not your property, Orin. You can’t keep me caged and expect me to be a meek little woman about it.”

He grinned, his mouth stretched out to bare all his teeth. “I can keep you caged, Filly. You’re mine to protect now. From everything. Even myself if I have to.”

My breath left me on a shudder. Protect me from him? “What do you mean protect me from you? You wouldn’t hurt me.”

“How would you know? I could be a sadist.”

I shook my head. “You’re not. I know you want people to see you in one light, but you forget I’ve already seen you in another.” Even though there was a chance he would bolt, I edged closer. “I know you won’t hurt me.”

This time when he smiled, his grin was malevolent. “That’s where you’re wrong. I’ve hurt women before. If the clan demands it. IfIdemand it. Retribution isn’t something I play around with. Man. Woman. Fucking child. If someone needs to die, they die. End. Of. Story.”

As he spoke, he leaned further and further forward until our noses were practically touching. Our mouths an inch from each other’s. Even though it was stupid and reckless, I wanted to tilt my chin up and slant my mouth over his. I wanted to taste him, feel his reckless abandon wash over me. Everything he was saying was probably true, but there was one thing he was lying to both me and himself about. He would never hurt me.


I knew it in my bones.

I tilted my chin up, inviting his mouth to touch mine. His eyes widened as he stared at me, at what I was offering him. I could practically taste his desire to kiss me, but then he started shaking his head and backed away. Turning, he opened the door and fled.



Fuck! What the fuck was I thinking? I stood on the other side of my bedroom door, lust and fuckingdesirewaging a war inside me. I wanted to take her mouth. I wanted to take more, but I couldn’t. Fifteen years were too goddamn many between us. Not to mention she was Grayson’s sister.

Grayson’s sister who I wanted to see bound and naked before me.


My hand trembled as I ran it through my hair. I had to get away from her. I’d assumed that going to the gym and doing some kickboxing would ease the ravenous hunger I had inside of me, but it had done nothing to subdue the ferocity of my feelings. Then seeing Keir alone with her? My mental monster had flipped the goddamned table of rational thought and started to rampage.

Keir—my brother—didn’t even know how close he’d come to eating a fucking bullet for being alone with her. I probably should’ve fed him the damn thing when I realized what he’d told Fallon about me. She’d specifically mentioned the wordsubmit, which meant Keir had told her all about my kink.

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