Page 38 of The Reaper

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My head jerked around, while my hand reached for my gun. I hadn’t even heard Finnan approach, and I was a fucking idiot to have been distracted by thoughts of Fallon.

Releasing my grip on the gun’s handle, I settled my arms back onto my knees and gave him a cool stare. “She’s part of this now.”

Finnan’s shrewd eyes skittered toward the door before returning to me. “She’s innocent in all this.”

“She shot Farrell’s brother.”

Finnan’s brows rose infinitesimally, then he walked in the direction of his office. Hauling my body off the floor, I followed, knowing I had to lay it all out. Bringing outsiders to the compound was not acceptable. I had to make sure Finnan knew all the whys. I shut the door behind me, finding Keir Flanagan—the Clan’s Chief and second-in-command—already there. Finnan walked behind his desk and sat down.

“Start talking.”

“I was driving back to Galway after a run-in with Farrell. He was waiting for me after I took out the cop Mannix had in his pocket. We shot at each other, and he got me.” I touched the bandage on my ribs. “I got to Galway, but I’d lost a lot of blood. I saw Kent’s house, thinking he would be able to help me, except I forgot he was … gone. I knocked on the door, then passed out.”

“Jesus,” Keir said from his seat.

“What happened then? How in the hell did Kent’s sister get involved?”

“She opened the door. Farrell must’ve been waiting for that though because she told me her house was sprayed with bullets as he drove by.” I left out the part about Fallon throwing herself over my body to protect me and pushed on. “She dragged me inside. Triaged me as best she could, then left me to rest.”

“How bad is the wound?” Finnan asked, gesturing with his chin to my side.

“A few millimeters to the left and I wouldn’t have made it.”

“I swear, you have a lucky fucking rabbit’s foot up your arse,” Keir told me. “The number of times you’ve nearly died and somehow didn’t?” He shook his head. “Fucking lucky bastard.”

“You were being nursed back to health,” Finnan cut in impatiently, his voice betraying how ridiculous he found the statement. “What happened then?”

“Farrell came back with his brother. I’d told Fallon to go and get any guns stored in the house, and while she was upstairs, they broke in. I got into it with one guy, which turned out to be Farrell’s little brother. Farrell appeared and pressed a gun to my head just as Fallon started back down the stairs. They creaked, and Farrell sent his brother to check it out. Fallon blew the bastard away and then hid. While Farrell was crying over his brother’s dead body, we slipped out the garage and got into her car.”

I told him the rest of what happened—the near miss with the lorry, then the second stay at a B&B, where I’d had to shoot Farrell after he’d threatened to kill Fallon.

“There’s a gap in your story,” Finnan said. “You’re missing at least four or five days.”

I gave him my best blank stare, telling him that I wouldn’t be discussing anything further.

He smirked. “All right. Keep your damn mystery.”

“What are we going to do about Fallon?” Keir asked the question I’d been wondering about since we fled her house all those days ago.

Finnan got up, poured himself a glass of whisky, and took a long sip. “She killed a Bèar Clan member. Farrell might’ve been the only one to know, or he might’ve told Mannix King, and now all the Bears are after her.” His gaze locked on mine. “What would you want to do with her?”

Claim her. “She can’t go back to that house. She’d be dead within the week.”

“Besides Mary, we don’t have any active female clan members.”

Finnan’s eyes sparkled with something cruel. “She had a nice body from what I saw. Maybe we can get her working at Velvet. She can pay the clan back for the inconvenience that way.”

My blood boiled at the thought of making her a clan whore. My hands fisted tightly, drawing Finnan’s hawk-like stare. “You can’t keep her, Reaper,” he drawled. “She’s a sister to one of our members. Granted, that member is a fucking arsehole, he’s still a member.”

“You can’t tell me what to do in my personal life,” I hissed, mentally holding myself immobile. “Fallon has to stay here.”

“She’s no good to me as anything but a cum dumpster.”

I stepped forward, and Keir rose from his seat, angling his body in such a way that Finnan was partially obstructed. Finnan knew he’d pushed all my buttons and was fucking enjoying himself.

“I know what kind of sex you enjoy. Would you inflict that on thatgirl?”

I winced, knowing he was throwing that back in my face. Licking my lips, I wondered how to play this. It wasn’t unusual for men to sit around and degrade women with comments, but it was quite another to discuss a man’s preferences.

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