Page 14 of The Reaper

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“I need some more clothes.”

I nodded. “We can pick some up on the way to my place.”

“And a toothbrush.”

I grunted. “I’ll get you whatever you need, Fallon.” I ignored the way that statement made me feel. I didn’t need to start having territorial urges with this woman, but it felt fucking good to provide for her. “Are you ready to get on the road?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

It was dark outside when I opened the front door of the house, but the sun was starting to warm the sky on the horizon. Once we were safely inside the car, I started the engine and turned around in the driveway.

“How many times have you done this?” Fallon’s question broke the silence.

I looked at her. “What?”

“Left your friend’s place before the sun has even come up.”

My hands squeezed the wheel. The truth was, it had happened more times than I wanted to admit. So many times I’d stayed here while dodging other clan’s Reapers or watching targets.

Instead of saying all that, I said, “I don’t know.”

Before we made it too far from civilization, I stopped at a mall where she would be able to get everything she needed. I trailed her around as she swept through the racks of Primark, pulling off t-shirts and yoga pants as she went.

“I need to try these on,” she said, lifting her full hands up to show me.

I gestured to the fitting room. “I’ll wait out here for you.”

She eyed me speculatively. “Are you armed?”

“I’m always armed.”

She pressed her lips together in thought for a moment before disappearing into the fitting room. Was I happy to let her out of my sight even for a moment? No, I wasn’t, but in the interest of expediting this whole process, I let her go. We were far enough away from Galway now that the Bèar Clan wouldn’t even think to look this far afield.

While I waited for Fallon, I grabbed a few t-shirts and jeans for myself, not bothering to try them on. By the time I circled back to the women’s section, Fallon was emerging. I eyed the bundle of clothes like it was a bomb.

“Get everything you needed?”

“Yes, but I still need to find some …” She drifted off, and my eyes zeroed in on her face.

“What?” I barked.

She lifted her chin, her expression steely. “Panties. Bras and panties.”

Fuck, I wished I hadn’t asked. I followed her to the store’s lingerie section, trying to stop myself from picturing her in some of the sets we passed. She stopped in front of a rack of lace panties and began flicking through the sizes. I watched her with greedy intent, cataloging everything. Once she had enough panties, she selected the matching bras, and we were on our way.

I paid for her purchases in cash, then snagged the bags before she could. I kept them all in my left hand in case I needed to draw my gun. We stopped at the chemist for some toiletries for her, and then I hustled her out of the mall. We’d already been there for too long.

Back in the car, we headed northwest toward Derrycarne Wood.

“How long until we get to your place?” Fallon asked from beside me.

“Not long. Maybe another thirty minutes.”

She nodded and looked out the window. For some reason, I wanted her to keep talking to me.

“Are you hungry? I can stop at a fast-food place and get you something.”

She began shaking her head, but then her stomach let out a loud rumble. Right, it was settled, then. I pulled off the road when I saw a burger place that served breakfast.

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