Page 8 of The Warlord

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His jaw bulged right before he grabbed my arm and jerked me toward him. I was pressed against his body for a moment, his sandalwood and leather scent drowning out the smell of fake lemon soap and urine, then I was swung up into his arms.

“Put me down!”

“No. You want to be precious about what you’re fucking putting your feet on? How about you don’t put them anywhere.”

“Put me down this instant!”

Ignoring me, he walked out into the convenience store, where I expected people to gawk. Every person in there barely looked our way, all going about their business paying for gas or getting snacks. Torin was waiting for us by the door, his face set into a smirk. I flipped him off as we stepped outside, then shivered when the wind blew hard against my legs and ass.

I started to struggle in Grayson’s arms.

“Keep still, or I’ll drop you.”

“Everyone can see my ass right now,” I said softly.

He hesitated a step, then grumbled something under his breath. Bringing his big hand under the shirt, his warm palm covered me from the tops of my thighs to the small of my back. Knowing that he was essentially cupping my pussy right now made heat rise to my cheeks.

When he got back to the Range Rover, he had to wait for Torin to open the rear door. Inside, he placed me on the seat, withdrawing his strong arms and warm hands from beneath me. For a moment, he simply stood there, staring at me from only a few inches away. It wasn’t until Torin opened the driver’s side door that the spell was broken. Grayson’s eyes lingered for a moment longer before he shut my door and stalked around to the other side.

Drawing my legs up onto the seat, I wrapped my arms around them and rested my cheek on my knees.

“Buckle up,” Grayson said gruffly after he closed his own door. Honestly, I didn’t think the guy had any other mode but gruff. I did as he asked, though, bringing the nylon sash over my shoulder and sliding the silver latch plate into the buckle.

“Here are your Taytos, lass.”

I glanced up to see Torin holding out a bright pink and blue bag to me.

“My what?”

“Taytos. Crisps.” I must’ve looked puzzled because he said in a fake American accent, “Chips.”

I reached for them, reading what flavor it said they were on the front.Prawn cocktail. That didn’t sound the least bit appealing. But my stomach was unsettled, and having something both greasy and salty in it would make me feel better. I murmured a “thank you” and opened the packet.

He bobbed his head and started the engine, leaving the gas station and getting us back onto the highway.



My hands flexedinto fists before relaxing, but no matter what I did, I could still feel her smooth skin. I could still feel the heat coming from her pussy. I hadn’t meant to touch her there, but she was so small, and my hand was so big, and there was some inevitability about it all. She had stiffened in my arms ever so slightly, but that only made me want to hold her a little tighter—a little closer.

The sound of crunching snapped me from the visceral memories, and I glanced over to find Sloane chewing thoughtfully on her first real Irish crisp. She was looking out the window, so I stared at her profile, taking the time to enjoy it. Reaching down, she took another chip from the bag and popped it into her mouth.

“If you keep staring at me, I won’t be able to eat,” she said after a moment.

“I’m not staring,” I replied automatically.

She looked at me, one platinum brow winging up. “Oh, you’re not. I must’ve mistaken your eyes on me for something else then.”

My jaw bulged and my cock jerked to attention. Resettling myself into my seat so that the damn thing wasn’t so fucking obvious, I said, “You eat with your mouth open. It’s very unbecoming for a young lady.”

Her mouth popped open in surprise before she realized what she’d done and closed it again. “I donoteat with my mouth open.”

I shrugged but said nothing more. When I glanced over, I found her frowning at me, her nostrils flaring delicately. She was gorgeous when she was pissed off. I turned away, but I could still see her reflection in my window. Her gaze had traveled down my body, but when her eyes had gotten to my hips, she bit her bottom lip and stared.

Fuck. She’d seen it.

“Now who’s the one who’s staring,” I said quietly, hoping to shame her into looking away.

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